I have to talk POLISH!



These are my two Polish crosses and neither one seem to have any top hat. The lighter one may have a beard. Moms are full white polish with big top hats, dad full Welsummer. I didn't expect gray (or blue).
Hey Polish people! You guys have any idea if this one is a girl she's 6 weeks old?!?! I have a feeling it's a boy but I'm desperately hoping I'm wrong. He/she is quite the character, and is super friendly. Many thanks :)

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Whoa!! That's a lot of questions for my newbie brain lol. I never really even thought to ask those questions. These are my first babies chicks. My others in my flock I got already grown so my purchase may have been an impulsive one. I'm a sucker for cuteness, I see some and my logical thinking goes right out the window

I didn't know that there were so many varieties of polish. I thought polish was the variety. I did see what the breeder claimed were the parents and they were in a separate fenced in area from the other chickens because she said she was trying to get another batch of eggs from the same parents. They both looked to be polish to me, but I don't know anything about them being this will be my first of this breed.

Maybe a breeder isn't the right term for her? She's like a hobbyist more than a breeder I guess. I didn't ask why she thought it was female or how she sexed it. She just had two that she said she was almost positive we're female and if it turned out to be a roo I could do an exchange with her no problem since she just lives an hour from me. I've read when they are as young as this one to go by the size of the what I call a "poof" or top hat. This ones seems rather small to me as well. Which is why I think maybe it'll turn out to be a Roo.

I was thinking of possibly doing a feather DNA test just because I would hate for my daughter and I to get attached to the little thing and then have to get rid of it. Has anyone had any succes with feather DNA testing?

Also is vent sexing something I can do myself? Or does it take a pro?
No.1) using the bump on the top of there head to sex them is not an accurate way to sex them i read that too a long time ago an when it got this one it thought for sure girl guess what it was a roo

all three of these were roos

no. 2) there are lots of different color varieties and then there are show quality varieties and pet quality varieties that are totally different. By the way the top pictured above is a red crested red. and the bottom is white crested blue.

no. 3) vent sexing is tricky but can be learned by anyone you can look it up online but it is better if you have someone who knows what they are doing to show you how. i read somewhere if you do it wrong you could hurt the chick but i'm not sure how unless you started poking around in there.
Hey Polish people! You guys have any idea if this one is a girl she's 6 weeks old?!?! I have a feeling it's a boy but I'm desperately hoping I'm wrong. He/she is quite the character, and is super friendly. Many thanks

on some of them for some reason it takes a little longer to tell it feathers seem wider than most roo's so it could be a hen
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I got White Crested Reds from Ideal this week. They look just like this chick that you posted. I hope they grow out white crests, and are not Red Crested Red.

I think that comparing the knobs works best when you are looking at a group of siblings the same age. It's more of a comparative thing than a hard and fast rule.
I got White Crested Reds from Ideal this week. They look just like this chick that you posted. I hope they grow out white crests, and are not Red Crested Red.

I think that comparing the knobs works best when you are looking at a group of siblings the same age. It's more of a comparative thing than a hard and fast rule.
i got mine from ideal too i ordered 3 of every color they had at that time except the white crested ones... if they are going to be white crested i would think that they would already have white on them because the other white crested verities do. I don't know what you get when you order from a hatchery if they are sibs or not but these 3 were all male and the wrong color. there top knots were all different.

i ordered black crested whites and got theses white crested blues they don't always send you what your order
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i think this one was 3 months old when i took this photo it was a buff roo. with no beard but see how pointy the feathers are one top that is how you tell

this was a bearded hen same age.

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