I have to talk POLISH!

Hey guys! I've been told there is a good chance my Polish is a rooster. I just wanted to get your opinions! Thanks!! Age is about 15 weeks




Yes, it looks like a rooster. The crest has that Rock Star Spike to it, the neck feathers look pointy, and there seems to be saddle feathers. The saddle feathers are interesting tho. They seem very round to for a roo, the length however is too long to be a pullet.
Question?? I have 2 Polish and a few other chickens and about 3 weeks ago the Polish stopped laying they did molt but I know they haven't laid since. They eat fine and are acting normal, no change in the temp here so any help would be welcome.
I know this is an old thread but I just joined and can't figure out how to start a thread....I just adopted a Polish pair from a rescue. We have no information on age, but they should be adults already. The hen seems to have taken her place in my flock quite easily. However my rooster is not. I do have other roosters who I have not had any issues with, ever. I know my Leader, Rhoudy, did go at the new rooster in the first day. Nothing bad. However this guy has always seemed skittish. He runs and hides in any corner he can find. Even if a hen moves in his general direction he freaks out. This just draws attention to him. Then when a rooster is near is freaks out even more, even jumping in the corner as if trying to escape. He is so beautiful and an absolute doll with humans. Is there any advice on how to help him? I wasn't sure if this skittish behavior is "normal" with polish or perhaps from his neglect before the rescue. Any advice would be so appreciated! Thank you so much!
I know this is an old thread but I just joined and can't figure out how to start a thread....I just adopted a Polish pair from a rescue. We have no information on age, but they should be adults already. The hen seems to have taken her place in my flock quite easily. However my rooster is not. I do have other roosters who I have not had any issues with, ever. I know my Leader, Rhoudy, did go at the new rooster in the first day. Nothing bad. However this guy has always seemed skittish. He runs and hides in any corner he can find. Even if a hen moves in his general direction he freaks out. This just draws attention to him. Then when a rooster is near is freaks out even more, even jumping in the corner as if trying to escape. He is so beautiful and an absolute doll with humans. Is there any advice on how to help him? I wasn't sure if this skittish behavior is "normal" with polish or perhaps from his neglect before the rescue. Any advice would be so appreciated! Thank you so much!
no not "normal" behavior; Also not a good idea to throw two roos together that have not been raised together it is better to slowly introduce them.
This thread doesn't seem very active recently.. but I'm gonna give it a go. I bought this little one today to add to my small flock. Breeder swears it's a hen but from my own research it looks more like a roo too me. She lives close by and says if it turns out to be a roo she'll exchange it for another so that's nice. Trying to get opinions here. What do you guys think roo or gen? 2 and a half weeks old.


This thread doesn't seem very active recently.. but I'm gonna give it a go. I bought this little one today to add to my small flock. Breeder swears it's a hen but from my own research it looks more like a roo too me. She lives close by and says if it turns out to be a roo she'll exchange it for another so that's nice. Trying to get opinions here. What do you guys think roo or gen? 2 and a half weeks old.



I can't help much, because I've only raised two Polish, but my two girls had bigger, rounder top hats than that... a little more time to tell I guess.
What variety is it? The top hat seems small for a purebred Polish. Do you know how this chick was sexed by breeder? Vent sexed? Unless it is an auto-sexing breed or sex-linked the only way to determine sex is by vent sexing. I have never had any luck wing sexing my Polish. What traits makes you think it is a boy?
What variety is it?  The top hat seems small for a purebred Polish.     Do you know how this chick was sexed by breeder?  Vent sexed?  Unless it is an auto-sexing breed or sex-linked the only way to determine sex is by vent sexing.   I have never had any luck wing sexing my Polish.   What traits makes you think it is a boy?   

Whoa!! That's a lot of questions for my newbie brain lol. I never really even thought to ask those questions. These are my first babies chicks. My others in my flock I got already grown so my purchase may have been an impulsive one. I'm a sucker for cuteness, I see some and my logical thinking goes right out the window

I didn't know that there were so many varieties of polish. I thought polish was the variety. I did see what the breeder claimed were the parents and they were in a separate fenced in area from the other chickens because she said she was trying to get another batch of eggs from the same parents. They both looked to be polish to me, but I don't know anything about them being this will be my first of this breed.

Maybe a breeder isn't the right term for her? She's like a hobbyist more than a breeder I guess. I didn't ask why she thought it was female or how she sexed it. She just had two that she said she was almost positive we're female and if it turned out to be a roo I could do an exchange with her no problem since she just lives an hour from me. I've read when they are as young as this one to go by the size of the what I call a "poof" or top hat. This ones seems rather small to me as well. Which is why I think maybe it'll turn out to be a Roo.

I was thinking of possibly doing a feather DNA test just because I would hate for my daughter and I to get attached to the little thing and then have to get rid of it. Has anyone had any succes with feather DNA testing?

Also is vent sexing something I can do myself? Or does it take a pro?

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