I have to talk POLISH!

I have questions about polish colors. My whole flock was killed by a determined fox. There were several eggs in the box so I borrowed an incubator and took a chance at hatching some. 3 hatched! They are such strange colors. I had a buff laced roo over two white crested blacks, a silver laced and a gold laced hens. How do the color varieties work with polish?
Just a guess but silver laced+buff OR buff+black on white sections probably will get ya desired colors& equate to tolbunt somehow.
The frizzle can't mix with frizzle or your feathers are malnurished&begin to crack away. You want a smooth variety with a smooth OR smooth with a frizzle but not frizzle&frizzle.
Wow that's a mouth full to try to say, where's snoop-dog when byc needs him. (LMBO sorry I have an odd sense of humor)
You could get some decent looking laced female chicks from the sliver and gold laced hens. I could be totally wrong, but believe that some of the male chicks will look white. There is an interaction there with the rooster carrying sex linked dominant white (makes black feathers white), and the silver laced hens carrying sex linked silver (makes red / brown / gold feathers white).

The mixes with white crested black, though... that is another story. Can't say what the result would be.

I am looking for some help, myself... anyone who has Polish from Ideal Poultry, please check out my thread asking for your pictures. It's right here...

Thanks for any photos you might have, of Ideal Hatchery birds!
I have a six week old white polish girl. She gets picked on by the others. My daughter called me at work today, and was terribly upset because the little girl's head is now bloody. Besides separating her, what can be done?? Will they get along well enough to live together when they are older?? She is supposed to be shown in 4-h next summer. She needs all her feathers!

The group she's with: 1 other polish girl, 5 barred rock girls, 3 Welsummer girls, and 2 Welsummer boys. All 6 weeks of age. All raised together from day one.

Thank you for any advice!!
I have a six week old white polish girl. She gets picked on by the others. My daughter called me at work today, and was terribly upset because the little girl's head is now bloody. Besides separating her, what can be done?? Will they get along well enough to live together when they are older?? She is supposed to be shown in 4-h next summer. She needs all her feathers!

The group she's with: 1 other polish girl, 5 barred rock girls, 3 Welsummer girls, and 2 Welsummer boys. All 6 weeks of age. All raised together from day one.

Thank you for any advice!!

I don't know about anyone else but I had to completely separate my white polish from the flock 8 of which she had been with since a day old. 4 polish 1 salmon favorelle which came a month later. Since the majority of the 9 started laying they started terrorizing Perscilla so much so she hide I. The corner of the coop. If she came out she had to be on guard so much so she would not eat. She has become a house bird as Daddy is building her a princess palace so she might be able to share with Sammie and crystal her best friends. That is our experiance we have not allowed them to peck til blood is drawn but I am out with my birds almost all day. They rather terrorize then peck I guess.

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