I have zero chill - cockerel?


Chipmunk Chicks

Free Ranging
May 24, 2022
New Jersey, USA
Marshmallow is only two and a half weeks old, so I already know I have to wait and see. ...But I just have to post anyway, because I have zero chill.

I was assuming she's a SGE pullet from a mixed bin at Tractor Supply, but the employee pulling them for my husband was sure he was giving us French Wheaten Marans, so I'm not super confident of anything at this point. :/

French Wheaten Marans have feathered feet/legs from what I've read; French Variety has the feathered legs/feet while the American are clean legged; recently read when I was researching Marans breed.

Our TSC gets their chicks from Hoover Hatchery ... https://www.hoovershatchery.com/frenchwheatenmarans.html
Yeah, I'm already certain the chick is not a French Wheaten Marans.

My next best guess is Starlight Green Egger.
That comb is pretty big. My best guess for breed would be Amber link? I’m not sure
Oh dear. Someone else did say Amberlink too, when I first posted the "not a Marans" thread, but I wasn't seriously considering it. Now that I look at pics though, I see what your saying. I was sitting here thinking to myself how she looks like a red over white bird, and the red leakage, and are they using like, a red Ameraucana? I am so dumb. I feel like you might be right. 🤦

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