I haven't been on in 3 years! But I'm back :)


11 Years
Nov 30, 2008
Hey byc friends!! My names Laura and in 2008-2011 I was addicted to byc. I use to be on here for hours every day :) I slowly lost time for it and haven't been on since :( I miss y'all! Idk what happened to all the friends I had on here or if their still here, but I wanted to come back and start checking in again. My name was Dog Lover before I changed it to firework. I mostly remember being on the crazy pullets thread, and this like wish thread where u granted each other wishes. There are only a few use names I remember, although there were many more ppl I liked talking to. The names I can remember are kooshie, 77 horses, eenie, awesome fowl, ducky girl, miss heny, tanichca, sassymygirl, the goldenroo, and that's it :( im sure I've forgotten a lot of names :/ I'm not sure if yall changed their names or are even here any more or what but that's who I remember haha. I'm 18 now, almost done with high school, got 3 roosters and 8 hens :) , 2 ducks and a pidgin :) :) I know byc really helped me since I wasn't that good with ppl when I was younger. I was going through a rough time at the time I came on here, it was a life saver. I could escape my life and talk to ppl who were nice to me. Everyone was so sweet to include me even tho I'm sure I was really a weird kid :/ haha. Anyway hi everyone and I look forward to spending a little time on here again :)
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Welcome back to BYC. Many of the users that you mention are still active. Understand that weird is not necessarily bad.
Welcome back! I, like you, came to BYC while going through a rough patch (still in that rough patch), and being involved with the forums here is one of the bright spots in my day.

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