I heard hens in Mexico need rooster to lay eggs!?


10 Years
Dec 26, 2009
Rock Hill SC
In a conversation with a co-worker who goes to Mexico on a regular basis told me this week that his friend has chickens and says that since the chickens aren't fed layer feed like here in the states they have to have a rooster to be able to lay eggs. Does anyone know if this is true? He also says there are lots more roosters there than here due to that fact..
That's probably the biggest BS part of the whole myth there. . . Commercial Layer feed does nothing, really, but give a small amount of calcium, GMO corn and soy, and the SAME nutrients a chicken would get from any other sort of natural diet.
It has to do with the latitude, the further south you go the earth spins faster so hens will get egg bound if they don't have roosters jumping on their backs a dozen or more times a day. This causes the hens to change position in regard to the earth's rotation so the eggs move down the oviducts. Now if you go south of the equator to like Venezuela the same thing happens.

BTW if you believe that I've got a bridge for sale.
In my 48 years, I have heard so many things! My sister one year claimed that ice cubes freeze faster if you fill the cube trays with HOT water............


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