I heard the egg song!


9 Years
Apr 14, 2010
Johnson City, Tn
This weekend was a "work on the run" weekend. My son and I were working on the run where our TSC pullets are going to range when I heard the chicken song come from the pen where we have our Sebrights and Leghorns. My son thought it was one of the girls who are now 16 weeks old but I was sure that it came from the Sebright pen. There was no egg but it was great hearing the song for once.
What's the egg song? I've got six layers, one laying that is a year and a half old and 5 youngsters about 14 weeks old that haven't started yet
I heard it this weekend too for the first time! We have a mixed flock of all different ages. Our BO that is probably 18 months or so old laid an egg while I was outside and she came out just a singing. It was so funny! I had never heard it before!

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