I just bid on 25 button quail eggs on ebay!

Congrats, I just bought mine too we should hatch just days appart.. Ill keep my fingers crossed u win. Keep us updated.
I got some mixed colored coturnix on ebay today. 50 eggs for $26 including shipping. I can't wait to incubate them and see what I get.
Kinda depend what color. I got mine off zebrafinch.com because they have every color available for $21.50 for 25 shipping included. Now I'm looking for just some splash ones. I know someone occasionally lists splash only eggs but they cost a little more.
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that was expensive! LOL! I got 130 for like 20 dollars (and i thnk shipping was a just a few bucks more---i think the total was about 26-28)...then again if you didn't want that many chicks then that may nto have been yoru way to go anyhow.
Cept, it was my first ever hatch....hatched only like 32 of them...I now have 30
. <---and they're a little over a month old

if you're curious where i ordered em from it's www.redoakgamebirds.com
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A friend just gave me 19 button quail eggs yesterday. I put them in my incubator last night. I hope we all have good luck.

My first time with anything other than guineas.
OOH guess what!? I just looked at my calander! I put in button quail eggs on that exact day too!!! The 11th you put yours in right!?!? I have about umm 11 to hatch on that day!
Then more the day after, and some after that! I'm going to be up to my ears in BQS!

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