I just bought a butternut squash - what do I do with it?

SOUP!!!! get the squash soft either bake or simmer soften some onions as well. Put in a food processor with enough chicken broth to make a soup consistency add seasoning of your choice. Ginger, nutmeg, onion, garlic and use your imagination.
some folks add baked apple for a bit of sweetness as well. I just made some soup last week. Squash soup is great.

serve with grilled cheese sammiches

Lots of other great ideas on this thread as well
I think I'll try soup next.
I saw a recipe for curried squash soup - sounds good!
Butternut squash Pasta with Bacon

Slice and dice some squash in olive oil. Saute with onions,bacon and mushrooms, garlic and season with rosemary or sage.
Cook up some penne pasta or your favorite kind, Drain and stir into pan with squash and bacon. I like to toss in a few pinenuts, or pecans and parmesan cheese dusting

Rachael C mother of all
All your recipes and suggestions sound great. Where i live there seems to be an over abundance of squash and i have folks giving it to me by the box load. I've discovered my RRI's love squash. I shredd the zuccini (raw) and microwave the butternut for them. Simple recipe for chicken treats
I made the curried squash soup from the butternut squash - very good.

I also tried baking an acorn squash. I'm not crazy about the texture - but I'm one of those people that's weird about food textures. I think I'll stick to the butternut.

maybe I'll grow some next summer - are they easy to grow?
One of our favorite is homemade Butternut Squash Ravioli with Burnt Butter Sage Sauce (the butter isn't really burnt just cooked to dark golden brown)

Sage is an excellent herb for butternut.

I planted one seed packet's worth of waltham butternut squash. I planted it pretty late (mid July) but still ended up with over 100 usuable butternuts. I also planted bunches of japanese pumpkins (kabocha). I ended up with a couple hundred of those. (they are like buttercup squash)

Anyhow, the butternuts were very easy to grow. They do send out vines so you need some space. I definitely recommend trying to grows some.

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