I just candled my Gold Laced Cochin eggs


10 Years
Mar 5, 2009
Church Hill, TN
It looks like only 3 of the 8 eggs are developing.
Today is day 6.

When should I candle again? I'm so disappointed. I was really hoping to have a better outcome but this is my first time. 15 days to go.

I would candle again on day 14. I just put 18 Golden Laced Cochins in the incubator. Good Luck!! Hope things look better next time.
I couldn't see anything in many of my eggs on day 6 either. By day 8 I could find something in almost all of them.
So wait a while and try again. Maybe they will surprise you
I would leave them in and not candle again until day 10. By then, you will know what eggs are developing and which or not.
Thanks everyone!

I got them on ebay of all places! I fell in love with the Gold lace Cochins, I thought they were so adorable! I just added 10 Splash Frizzle to the incubator. Those are adorable as well.

Okay, I'll give them a bit more time. I'm so eggcited!!


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