I just got a Japanese quail

Grats on the quail! Very pretty looking. It sounds like she is either stressed or hot. Have you had her long? If under a few days I would bet stress. If you think it's heat related though make sure she has access to shade and lots of water.
Grats on the quail! Very pretty looking. It sounds like she is either stressed or hot. Have you had her long? If under a few days I would bet stress. If you think it's heat related though make sure she has access to shade and lots of water.
I only have had her a week. I rescued her from a cat :( I had to take her to a vet cause she had injuries to her right side, lucky she didn’t have any broken bones just a bite which i have to give her anti-biotics and pain meds(she hates) I’m hoping she gets use to me soon. I feel so bad cause she gets so scared when i have to i give her meds.
I only have had her a week. I rescued her from a cat :( I had to take her to a vet cause she had injuries to her right side, lucky she didn’t have any broken bones just a bite which i have to give her anti-biotics and pain meds(she hates) I’m hoping she gets use to me soon. I feel so bad cause she gets so scared when i have to i give her meds.

My lizard is annoyed with me right now because I have to give him his meds.
I only have had her a week. I rescued her from a cat :( I had to take her to a vet cause she had injuries to her right side, lucky she didn’t have any broken bones just a bite which i have to give her anti-biotics and pain meds(she hates) I’m hoping she gets use to me soon. I feel so bad cause she gets so scared when i have to i give her meds.

Try not to take it personal. They are a pretty nervous bird. Even the babies I have hatched and tried to handle every day since hatching still get very nervous and scared when I reach in to change food or whatever. Seems to just be a part of their nature.

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