I just had an epiphany! Grass garden for chickens *pic*

Thanks for such a great idea. Stealing that one too! I'm always trying to figure out how to keep the food off the ground, especially in the summer when poo doesn't get washed away as fast. Love it.
Thanks for such a great idea. Stealing that one too! I'm always trying to figure out how to keep the food off the ground, especially in the summer when poo doesn't get washed away as fast. Love it.

I have poached so many great ideas from this group that I feel I'm just paying back my dues. I'm amazed at how simple some of these things are and I just sit back and wonder, now why couldn't I have come up with that. As I dash outside to make it happen. Happy Chicken Farming.
This is an old thread, but I can still answer your question. Yes, it worked well, except I had bark chips in their run which they kept kicking into the crate, which killed the baby grass (grasslings?). In the future, I would put cement pavers around the crate so they can't kick dirt and debris into it and knock the crate around. You also need a crate with fairly big holes. The tiny holes didn't let the grass escape well enough. We don't have chickens anymore due to a move, but I plan on getting more on the flip side if I can and will likely try this again.
Thankyou for starting this thread Pharm Girl! I had the exact same problem (lack of grass) and you've helped me solve it! Thanks again!!
I grow Chives in 4 or 5 pots and put them in the cage every couple days. I am going to try the grass trick with rabbit wire covering the grass container. I also give them shreaded leaves or fresh grass clippings. Dont give them too much cut grass at a time since it will cause an ammonia smell.

By adding the shreaded leaves and grass into the cage the chickens shread everything and make some excellent compost which i add to my working compost pile and let it cook. When i move the chicken tractor to a new spot i dig up about 2-3 inches of the top soil put it in the working compost pile and add back compost from my finished compost pile and plant grass seed.

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