Fancy Feather Poultry

Cooped Up
12 Years
May 30, 2007
Okay so, after alot of thought and questioning..

I have ordered some new babies!!!

I ordered:

-5 Str Run Blue Laced Red Wyandottes
(I love these guys ^)
-5 Str Run Gold Laced Polishes

-4 Str Run Silver Sebrights

-3 Blue cochin Hens

-1 Black cochin Roo

-3 Plymouth Barred Rock Hens

-1 Plymouth Barred Rock Roo

So as you can guy there mostly groups of a couple hens and 1 roo, well I have been thinking and after a long discussion with my Papa...im going to start a breeding company
selling: Blue,splash,black cochins eggs/ and chicks, BLRW eggs/ and chicks, Gold laced polish eggs/ and chicks, Silver sebright eggs/ and chicks, and Plymouth rocks eggs/and chicks.

I have made my company name : Fancy Featherd Poultry

So mods if you could Change my username to Fancy Featherd Poultry it would greatly be apperciated

All of these little chickies should be laying by summer, and I cant wait to get started!
S&M Poultry has some really nice pens. You should ask him what he has made his with. They look really good.

So when do you get your bebees in?
Should be the 2nd of april (they were sold out on all the rest of the shipping dates) But they should E-mail me on tuesday when they should be shipped.
Ideal, they are a excellent company! they have no min. order you just have to spend atleast 20$ and they add warmers for free to make sure you chickies are warm during cold seasons. If I had to rate them out of 10 I would give them a 10.

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