I know he is a cochin but what color?


9 Years
Mar 8, 2010
Hello all I happened to drive by this place that said "fancy feathers bird haven" and noticed that there was a pen with chickens in it off to the side. Well I flipped a uey and pulled in. Their hours said 12-5 it was almost 1 and they were closed. I walked over to the pen and fell in love. I don't even know if he is for sale but I want him. How loud are cochins? I live in the country but.....their are neighbors and one is a city slicker who does not enjoy 5:30 AM wake up calls. Im not sure if he is a standard or banty he looks kinda in the middle range? he is bigger than my banty bluecochin/ RIR cross so I am assuming he is standard? He is gorgous, looks like a ball with a head. I WANT him. I have gone back and they were still closed during their "hours" and I have called and get a fax after 3 rings. They have no coop just a chain link kennel and some open wood boxes for nests.
Sorry the pic isnt the best, I was being sneaky because I didnt want anybody to think I was being sneaky KWIM?

He is definitely a bantam. He will most definitely crow my cochin males are loud and proud start around 4 am here. As far as color he appears to be Birchen however, he should be laced in his chest. The yellow is most likely caused from sun exposure it will turn that silver to yellow. If he was kept out of the sun after a good moult the yellow would be gone.

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I see a tiny bit of chest lacing. I agree that the yellowness is from sun exposure, but could S/s+ make him that color as well? The bird in the corner of the pic is gold laced.
What is S/s+? The other bird in the corner was not a cochin she was tiny and very sleek looking but very pretty as well. If i got him how would I keep him out of the sun? Do you think its because they do not have a coop right now? I was going to get him for the county fair show but if he doesnt have lacing does that mean he is only pet quality? The fair is still months away and I have just been looking around need to look into breed standards more.
If you look closely he does have silver under the gold, so it's most likely the sun that caused his discoloration. All birds are judged by a standard so it will depend on the type and condition of his competitors at your fair. I purchased a mottled cockerel last fall he was sun bleached(yellow) just like your male from being in the sun, after a good moult all the yellow was replaced by beautiful shiny silver feathers. A few things to look for on a cochin are reddish bay eye, yellow feet and beak, four to five points on the comb, and good tight level wings, no split in the center, also look for the over all balance of the bird.


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