I know I'm nuts, but HOW MUCH?

Orps are great!

Miss Jayne - please, please feel free to drop by my house on your way to CA - we should be on the way.

Must start cleaning house for Miss Jayne's visit.
Believe me, I dithered about coops and settled on the tractor/coop one due to money right now. But I have the plans for a second coop. Honest. Thought I'd start that next summer.

The plans for the coop/tractor I'm building SAY it can hold EIGHT chickens. I have a huge back yard.... fenced.... but only a small portion will be penned as a run. note to self: work on that pen!!!

I want to get dark chickens (had no clue when the feed store guy told me to get the Brahma for laying that it should grow up to be mostly white) because I imagine white/light chickens are easier for predators to see.

Black orpington, hmmmmmm.... calling the feed store now....
This spring I sent my dh to the feed store to get 12 of whatever they had. We originally talked about getting two dozen but thought that would be too much. So he comes home with 12 day old chicks, I looked in the box and said huh that doesn't look like very many. He went back and got 4 more. We now have 17 (16 hens 1 roo) and would love to get more of different breeds. Definately an addiction.
It's part of it, isn't it? I've been looking into additional coops and duck housing now.


It is!! I have a storage building in the backyard, and it occured to me last week that it would make a perfect 2nd coop. I've been throwing and giving stuff away ever since that day, clearing the building out. I'm getting rid of stuff that I thought I would never part with...but now with the thoughts of more chickens dancing in my head, I am on a cleaning binge!

gryeyes - I have heard that Speckled Sussex are supposedly harder for predators to see as well. I don't know about land-based predators, but I do know that when hawks come through they seem to completely ignore my Speckled Sussex and only eyeball the lighter colored chickens. So I think your theory is correct. Happy shopping!!
I never realized how nice Orpington personalities are until i got some rir and barred rocks. They're great, but orps are just combs and feathers ahead of them in sweetness. If you get an orp, you have to get at least two. They're just too sweet! One of my orp chicks jumps up on my shoulder every time i open the brooder. She would really rather be on my shoulder than to be with the other chicks.

We started with 6. Now we have 26. We have plans to triple the coop size. You just can't get enough.
Can you bring some Leghorn pullets down to Tennessee too?
Your Leghorns are GORGEOUS!!!! They sure don't grow 'em like that here in TN.
Can you bring some Leghorn pullets down to Tennessee too?
Your Leghorns are GORGEOUS!!!! They sure don't grow 'em like that here in TN.

why thank you and of course i can! i just hatched a ton! and did i see a need for speckled sussex? i'll load those up too!

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