I know I'm nuts, but HOW MUCH?

Hi gryeyes,

I am your neighbor here in Citrus Heights! What feed store are you using that still has chicks? I know Echo Valley had a posting on Craigslist saying they just got in their last batch for the season.

I am leaving tomorrow for 10 days or I would have probably run out and gotten some. Check out my BYC page. Is West Sac a city now or part of the county? I know in the Sac city limits chickens are no allowed. Too bad.

Enjoy your flock and your cute little coop.

All this Orp talk is just plan crazy!!! You really need Brahmas!! Buffs are truly lovely!! My lil roo is the sweets and quietest guy! The other roos are going to freezer camp--he's going to be king!! SSSHHHHHH-- don't tell the Marans anything!!
Its a contagious disease up inside you, ready to consume your stream of thought. Unfortunatelly or should I say "fortunatelly
" there is no cure.

Stopping yourself from buying more now wont stop yourself from buying more later.

I say orpington. I dont have them, but my friend has a few and she says they are sweet little buggers and they are shre cuuuuteee
well, of course! i wouldn't want to be rude! Orps for everyone!


ok but you better pack a lunch its a long drive-but when you get here you can stay in our newly renovated cabin ( mini house) with all the emmenities!!!! Ill take a blue and black orp please :)
We will have to *sponser* Miss Jayne's world tour. I hear speckled sussex are heading to florida this winter for a warm sunny vacation? I'll start the cinnamon buns.

okay, a little of everything in the back of the truck! might as well throw in the bantam blue cochins i figured. it just seemed sensible at this point with the way things were going!
and the frizzled buff orps too! everyone is going to need one of those, right???

my 22 1.5 week old chicks and i are still getting to know each other, but my Buff Orpingtons are the most outgoing and adventurous, with my Buff Brahmas coming in a decent second. the Gold-laced Wyandottes are starting to warm up to me, but they are a bit shy. they turn into the most beautiful birds, though.

i hand feed them at least once a day so that they see me and think "YAY! goodies". the Orpingtons and Brahmas come running over as soon as my hand is in the box.
the Orpingtons just hop on my hand and start eating, while the Brahmas try to figure out how to get their fare share. the Orpingtons have even started following my hand around when i'm doing brooder chores in the hope that food will appear. they are quite adorable little yellow fluff balls too!

good luck restraining yourself. i want some Marans terribly, so i would be hopeless to stop.

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