I know I'm supposed to be in "lockdown" Update


10 Years
Sep 18, 2009
Milano, TX
But something doesn't feel right. My eggs didn't appear "lock down ready" last night. There was still too much open space in them. All 5 were alive when I went to bed. Woke up and checked on them one last time, candled..and still don't look lockdown ready. One of the eggs had quit on me. No movement and the veining was gone but the shape of the chick was the same. I cracked it and sure enough the poor thing was gone. Its wing looked strange, other than that looked fine, just small. The others still haven't filled up the shells and still have a lot of open space. I'm beginning to wonder if the bad air cells stunted their growth? And now, at this point the air cells don't look like they are growing like they should be. I have a feeling I'm going to end up with 4 more drowned chicks.

Update in post 11
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OK, so a ton of Q's. (Sorry)
Hows your temperatures been? Low temperatures slow development causing late hatches, which
may be the reason why your chicks look under developed.

Any temperature fluctuations during the incubation?
Power outages?
ANY time what so ever they may have cooled down for a bit?

Where did you get the eggs from?
Is it possible the hen had started setting on them, then when gathered cooled down for a bit?
How long were the eggs held before setting them?

And lastly, what's the humidity running inside the incubator?
OK, I'll give you all I know.
Eggs were shipped, broken and detached air cells in all of them. Left them upright in a carton for 24 hours before incubating. I had 14 eggs, 10 started to develop, had 5 this past 5 days that made it this far. Lost one last night so I'm down to 4.
There were about 3 nights that it got cool in the house, so the incubator dropped to about 97degrees. I'm using a still air bator, so I know it needed to be much higher. Most days it was running right at 100 degrees day and night.
I attempted a "dry" hatch, but with using a heater in this room the humidity got into the teens some days, so I did add a little bit of water every couple days.
Humidity us up right now because I'm supposed to be in lockdown, but I'm scared that they will drown.
Don't get discouraged. Believe me.. I have BEEEEN there.
If these don't make it...just keep trying. Order more eggs today. I was always bummed when it looked like my eggs were not gonna hatch. I figured out that if I just kept ordering more eggs every two weeks I would not get as discouraged cuz I always had more eggs cookin. You will need another incubator as your "hatcher" if you order eggs every two weeks though.
Recommended humidity for lockdown is supposed to be anywhere from 60-70% and possibly
higher than that, (it's different for everybody) I'm a bit doubtful that your babies will drown.

Those days that the temperature was running 97F, I think, is the problem. Especially since
you have a still air, because remember - heat rises. If you take the temperature at the very
top of the egg, the center will be a couple degrees cooler.

I'd go into lockdown either tomorrow or thursday, if your going to wait a bit longer. Don't wait
to long.

Good luck

Edited because I suck at typing..
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They are supposed to have a big air space when they go into lockdown. If they fill up the whole shell they will not be able to turn and zip out.
follow this link to see a drawing of what the air cell should look like.

the air cell is still small, but the chick still looks to be "swimming" in egg white i guess. they look a few days behind. Like day 15 in the candling thread
They won't drown from high humidity during lockdown. They drown from the humidity being too high during incubation and moisture builds up in the air sack and when the chick pips the air sack the condensation in it drowns the chick. Do you have a turner? One thing about still air incubators is they have cool spots and hot spots so when I turn them if I'm hand turning I move them around in the incubator at the same time. If I'm using a turner in the incubator I also move them around. I did install a fan in my still air. The temp in a still air should be around 101.
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