I know what I want for Christmas, but...

What about a leash and collar for the pup.

He's going to wear Jax's old one, that Jax grew out of too quick. When Kane outgrows that one, he'll wear the next one Jax grew out of too quick and so on and so forth, until we finally have to buy Kane his own collar.

Poor puppy is going to get his brothers old stuff and then he'll end up living in his brothers shadow.
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He's going to wear Jax's old one, that Jax grew out of too quick. When Kane outgrows that one, he'll wear the next one Jax grew out of too quick and so on and so forth, until we finally have to buy Kane his own collar.

Poor puppy is going to get his brothers old stuff and then he'll end up living in his brothers shadow.

Hey, he's getting his own food dishes, own toys and own crate. Oh and his own puppy shots too.
Poor puppy is going to get his brothers old stuff and then he'll end up living in his brothers shadow.

Hey, he's getting his own food dishes, own toys and own crate. Oh and his own puppy shots too.

Atleast he gets some things.
That's actually not a bad idea. I'd love a flannel nightgown or two. Tell DH for me would ya please?
For that Christmas that will never be forgotten.
You could go to the thrift store.
Buy the ugliest rattiest underwear you can find.
Manufacture stains and skid-marks.
Then make sure everyone gets a pair, under the tree.

Imp-Now has to spend Christmases alone.
That's actually not a bad idea. I'd love a flannel nightgown or two. Tell DH for me would ya please?

Tell him to get on and make an account. I'll take care of the rest

So, I called DH and told him I wanted underwear for Christmas, but I didn't want the SIL to see me open them.

Why? He says.
Just cuz! Says me.
I'd open underwear in front of my DDs! He says.
I'm not opening underwear in front of the SIL! Says me.

Thus the first shots of the great underwear battle of Christmas 2009 have started.
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I asked my bf for underwear and socks. Then I thought again and told him to just get me a giftcard...I don't want him shopping for my underwear. I'd be wearing things that ought not even be thought of.

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