I locked them down tonight!


7 Years
May 28, 2012
Bolivar, Ohio
Well, my first attempt ever to incubate went into lockdown at 8:30 or so this evening. (26 golden buff eggs) I have done nothing right, and everything that could have gone wrong......HAS! lol They even went through a power outage. I tried to candle them, but had no idea what I was looking for or at. I posted some pictures when I candled them, but didn't get much response as to how they looked, so I just took my chances and ran them all.

I used the dry method, just added water at lockdown. Humidity was at about 30% at beginning, an hour later up to about 76%!

Wish me.....and my babies good luck! :)
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I have been in lockdown since Saturday night as well. I have 9 silkie eggs in my bator. Today is day 20. I'm very impatient!
This is day 21 for me, but I didn't put the eggs in until 9pm on March 26th so it isn't actually 21 days until 9pm tonight. No sign of pipping yet at all.....can't wait for tomorrow!!!! lol
This is day 21 for me, but I didn't put the eggs in until 9pm on March 26th so it isn't actually 21 days until 9pm tonight. No sign of pipping yet at all.....can't wait for tomorrow!!!! lol

I will be on day 21 at 8pm tonight! If you can be quick about it you can candle them and see if they have internally pipped. I did this morning and I have two for sure that have, they are chirping in the shells and you can hear the beaks hitting the shells too. So exciting!
I am streaming my hatch live, the link is in my signature if you want to check it out, although there is no visible action as of yet.
I checked out your web cam.......awesome. You and I should both see pipping at almost exactly the same time. We set our eggs just an hour apart on the same exact day.

See you at the finish line!! :)
What kind are you hatching? I have silkies and the lady I got them from said most of hers hatch on day 20. I don't see that happening for me though. I am such a worried hen right now. This part is really nerve wracking for me. I can hear chirping once in a while come from the bator (my laptop is set up next to it so I can stream and do homework and my kids keep coming in asking if anything has happened yet. I just now got my humidity up past 60%, with 4 water bowls with sponges and a wet washcloth in there.
What kind are you hatching? I have silkies and the lady I got them from said most of hers hatch on day 20. I don't see that happening for me though. I am such a worried hen right now. This part is really nerve wracking for me. I can hear chirping once in a while come from the bator (my laptop is set up next to it so I can stream and do homework and my kids keep coming in asking if anything has happened yet. I just now got my humidity up past 60%, with 4 water bowls with sponges and a wet washcloth in there.
I have 26 golden buff eggs set. This is my first attempt, and everything that could go wrong has. I had bad temperature swings, a power outage that made me run for the generator, and just plain bad luck for most of the last 3 weeks. It will be a miracle if any hatch.....but we will see.....My humidity is running about 68 to 70 % in the entire lockdown time. I used the dry hatch method up 'till lockdown.


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