I locked them down tonight!

I set 18 eggs total, blue marans and black copper marans over barred rock hens. 2 of the BCMxBR have hatched, one is pipped and cheeping, I don't see any pips on any of the blue maran eggs yet, but it's still early going....
Can I play too? I have 8 that went are in lock down now. Should start pipping tomorrow, if I remember right. This hatch was very crazy & chaotic starting out. Then we had to go out of town for 4 days so they didn't get turned at all. Add to that the fact that these eggs were shipped in the mail...we'll see. But most looked alright going into lock down. First time with blue eggs. Kind of hard to see inside!
Can I play too? I have 8 that went are in lock down now. Should start pipping tomorrow, if I remember right. This hatch was very crazy & chaotic starting out. Then we had to go out of town for 4 days so they didn't get turned at all. Add to that the fact that these eggs were shipped in the mail...we'll see. But most looked alright going into lock down. First time with blue eggs. Kind of hard to see inside!
Ahah will be interesting to see how many hatch :lol: how many do u have in the bater :)
This is my first time incubating eggs. Today they went on lock down. I noticed one of the eggs rocking tonight. Once you start seeing that how long does it take for it to hatch?
Yay babies!
This is my first time incubating eggs. Today they went on lock down. I noticed one of the eggs rocking tonight. Once you start seeing that how long does it take for it to hatch?

Anytime within the next three days and possibly a little longer. Once you see a pip it can take 24-48 hours.

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