I locked them down tonight!

Well, it's hard for me to see inside them, but it doesn't look good. 2 are "Maybe" and 6 are "probably not." This is so disappointing. I hate that we had to leave them for 4 days. Obviously that was not part of the plan. If that didn't kill them right then, would it still affect the likelihood of hatching?
I have one pipping out now. I was hoping for my blue ones and instead my brown one says I'm coming out first. Don't see or hear anything out of the blue ones but only on day 19
getting excited!
I have a baby lol. Day 19. Have four more but don't hear anything out of them yet. I put in incubator as I collected over a couple of days. Now I've learned i can collect first then out in all same day. This may be on of the first. I hope my blue ones hatch, that's really what I wanted but a brown one made it first LOL. So excited. Keep me posted on yours
What kind are you hatching? I have silkies and the lady I got them from said most of hers hatch on day 20. I don't see that happening for me though. I am such a worried hen right now. This part is really nerve wracking for me. I can hear chirping once in a while come from the bator (my laptop is set up next to it so I can stream and do homework and my kids keep coming in asking if anything has happened yet. I just now got my humidity up past 60%, with 4 water bowls with sponges and a wet washcloth in there.
Can I ask when & how you are using the water & sponges/clothes? We are in day 21. One has hatched. We tryed to help on. It didn't make it. :( hear one pipping & a little hole. Nothing from tge others? I'm just looking for some advice. Thanks :)

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