I locked them down tonight!

Wow your chicks are stunning! How can you tell if they're hens?
Mine are due to hatch on Saturday. .I just put 15 more eggs in monday..I can't stop... I think I need help with this chicken thing..my other 6 are going on 4 weeks old this weekend..can't wait to get them outside to roam in the grass..
Yardbird, their first day out is going to be hysterical to you. I had put three out in a big metal dog crate(so I didn't have to worry about hawks or dogs) and you could practically see all of their emotions as they discovered all the new things outside brings. Finding and catching the first worm was the funniest!
Yes. I can't wait..hope it starts getting warm here. ..I did find a grub while I was raking. I gave to them. They were chasing each other all around the pen..
Yes. Some are taking a bit longer but hopefully will will make it. So excited. I have sex linked, silver laced wyandottes, golden laced wyandottes, and Easter eggers. Here is a pic of a few. Hope it goes through.

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