I locked them down tonight!


My chicks
So cute. Congrats
Yes. Some are taking a bit longer but hopefully will will make it. So excited. I have sex linked, silver laced wyandottes, golden laced wyandottes, and Easter eggers. Here is a pic of a few. Hope it goes through.
Adorable. Congrats. That looks like my incubator (farm innovator) and how mine looked on hatching day. I wasn't expecting all that chaos, shells, chicks, etc

Dog barking at chicks sounding off last night and we woke up to this in the am. We are having the same issue with humidity and we have almost no water in there...we'll see how this plays out because we are doing our best to leave it alone
It's hard to leave it alone too. So far though 16 of mine have hatched and 2 more are trying. There was a bad smell so I had to check eggs b4 they exploded. Pulled out 5 that were dead. A few others I wasn't sure about.
I smell a stench myself when I checked a few minutes ago but it feel like its too late to start touching and pulling eggs out. If anything that would be our only mistake this round was not doing an 18th day candle. So far we are pleased to see at least 8 Easter eggers broken though the outer shell and even 2 golden buffs that were put in 2 days later then the eggers. The main thing we are puzzled about is the Delaware giant eggs that were the first to go in. They are now at day 21 and no movement at all. I wonder about this breed because they are pretty rare and we got them local from one of the few flocks on the east coast. Wish they would hatch because they're a breathtaking breed . We did candle at day 10 and found veins and embyos so I'm curious to know if they are just taking longer because they're a larger breed?...guess time will tell.
1 Delaware just broke though the outer shell and 2 more eggers are out....good thing I took the time to build an extra brooder yesterday because it seems as though we're really gonna need it ;-)

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