I locked them down tonight!






Well our first hatch resulted in 17 babies!!!!!:D now we are going to try our luck with Muscovy eggs. Wish us luck lol.
I put in 4 doz. eggs. I wanted some extra just in case there may be some fertility issues like I had with the chicken eggs I had purchased lol. That and the fact most say it's really hard to hatch them. I fig I may have a better chance of getting my ducklings this way. Who knows. I put the eggs in at 1 pm. So 33-37 days from now we should (fingers crossed) have babies!!!
Ahah how many u putting in and good luck :) :fl
Wooo i have three to hatch in 16 days getting excited :D hope all works out, goodluck
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hope your hatch was as good as ours was. We had a great hatch his round all except for the Icelandic eggs which was very disappointing because we paid a lot for them and not one hatched

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