So I just got home from work and came to check on the girls. One of them died while I was gone today. They are about 3.5 weeks old. I can't believe she passed. I know the other day she did seem quite right. Her eyes weren't open as much as the other ones were. But I picked her up and she seemed to be doing fine... even tried to run away from me like everyone else. I'm sad, but I'm also worried about the other three of them. Nothing really looked wrong with her... no pasty butt or anything else like that. The only thing that I noticed (with her and the others) is that their feathering/fuzz is kinda thin around their wings (like right under and above where the wing connects to their body). I kinda assumed that it was normal since they are going from fuzz to feathers. I don't see any hair loss on the legs and I think thats where mite infestations usually start at.