i may be getting ducks anything i need to know

It dosnt matter if they can fly or not, they will still run away. I know this first hand! I lost a pair of drakes I got just 2 weeks ago. I was heartbroken!

Make sure that you keep them penned up for 2 weeks before you think of letting them free range, or they will be GONE-ZO!!!!!!

Yesterday I got 2 more drakes, and they are in the coop with the chickens for now. I'm not chanceing that again!

Call ducks can fly too

Let's make a more accurate list, shall we?
The following domestic ducks can fly: Mallard, Call, Muscovy(which are about to be banned anyway), Wood Duck, Canvasback, and Tree Ducks(Black-Bellied and Fulvous)
I use a cottage cheese container for their waterer. Just cut an oval slice out of the lid, large enough for the ducklings to put their heads into the container for their water. They don't spill it as much and can't get INTO the waterer. The lid snaps on tightly. You have to totally replace the water a couple, three times a day, though.

I have 2 Cayuga ducklings in the same brooder with four chicks, but I put a wire barrier (just a hardware cloth panel) down the middle of the brooder, with the heat lamp directly over it. That way there is equal heat for both sets of babies, and they can move into the light or away from it as necessary. The ducklings bill EVERYTHING, including chicks, so that's why I had to separate them. After the chicks get a bit larger, I'll take away the barrier. Right now they can see each other, but the ducklings can't bowl the much smaller chicks over any more.
does anyone know what kind of ducks TSC will be getting that is where i am getting mine from i will be getting 2 ducks male and female and 6 chicks. can i put them in the brooder with my older chicks? what size pool will my ducks need and will my chickens try to swim in it as well or would i risk them drowning?
Call ducks can fly too

Let's make a more accurate list, shall we?
The following domestic ducks can fly: Mallard, Call, Muscovy(which are about to be banned anyway), Wood Duck, Canvasback, and Tree Ducks(Black-Bellied and Fulvous)

What about Muscovies being banned? Is this a joke I'm not in on yet, or what?
Let's make a more accurate list, shall we?
The following domestic ducks can fly: Mallard, Call, Muscovy(which are about to be banned anyway), Wood Duck, Canvasback, and Tree Ducks(Black-Bellied and Fulvous)

What about Muscovies being banned? Is this a joke I'm not in on yet, or what?

no joke , ask some us people. that law (to be) has even made the poultry forums in canada
how do you sex baby ducks i have no clue how to do this. i got 2 baby ducks today and 6 chicks . can anyone tell me how to sex baby ducks please?
Call ducks can fly too

Let's make a more accurate list, shall we?
The following domestic ducks can fly: Mallard, Call, Muscovy(which are about to be banned anyway), Wood Duck, Canvasback, and Tree Ducks(Black-Bellied and Fulvous)

Why are Muscovy being banned? Are they being banned to sell, or to own?

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