I met my best friend on BYC. Anyone else?


collects slightly damaged strays
12 Years
Oct 22, 2008
Glen, Mississippi. 40+ chicken years
A long long time ago...
No, not American Pie, but anyway... I joined a chicken forum. I got pretty active then it went poof! And disappeared. Then it was restarted. And being me, I got active again under a new name (because I couldn’t remember what I was registered under before). So I’ve been around forever lol.
Anyway, I’ve made a lot of friends here on BYC. So many who have in one way or another touched my life. Some are old farts like me, others were youngsters I’ve watched grow up and grow into such wonderful adults. We’ve shared our successes and our failures, comforted each other in times of sorrow and logged on just to cut up and relax at times.
Then about 11-12 years ago I guess I got a message from Em. I don’t remember what it was about now but it was chicken related. We cut up with each other a lot in the threads on random ramblings and once she sent that message we started messaging back and forth a couple of times a week. Just silly stuff at first. Then a couple of times a day. Then texts and phone calls back and forth. Then we started visiting occasionally. We are total opposites in some way but so much alike in others. We became fast friends.
Fast forward a ways and both of us were divorced and definitely NOT looking. But life happens lol. And now this coming April we will have been together for 10 years. 10 years of being with my best friend.
All because of BYC.
Now I’m not recommending it as a dating site lol, as a matter of fact I remember several folks getting scolded by the Demi-Gods for trying that back in the day. But I AM curious if there are any other couples out there that met here on BYC too?

Or are we really that weird?


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No, I haven't met a boyfriend or anything over here, but it's amazing how you and your husband came to be.

I did want to share a story about my new friend who almost instantly became my best friend:
She contacted me first in a conversation or as some might call it, a pm. Well, I was kinda nervous at first, but was willing to answer her questions. Then we started chatting a lot! We discovered that we had a lot of similarities! She got me to do my first Zoom call. Now we text, and have even talked on the phone with each other! I'm so glad that she reached out to me! I probably would of never become friends with her if she hadn't. I didn't even know that people could become friends on BYC. I would come over to BYC, help a couple of people out with chicken problems, sometimes learn a new thing or two, and maybe post a thread for help on something. Now, because of my new best friend, I've discovered that BYC is so much more! Also, I've never been one to have friends. I didn't know how to make friends with someone. Nobody ever came up to me unless they had a chicken problem or something to do with chickens, but never to be a friend. I do have my pen pal, but it's sometimes hard to relate to her sometimes. Me and my pen pal have nothing in common except for writing. For a few years, my pen pal was my only friend. Now I have two friends! First my pen pal and now my best friend! There's a lot of things I can relate to my best friend, too. I'm so glad that she reached out to me! My best friend whom I'm so thankful for and my Mom says is an answer to her prayers is @cluckmecoop7 ! Thank you so much for reaching out to me @cluckmecoop7 !!! ♥ Thank you so much for being my BEST friend! ♥
That ain't how it actually happened though yall. He's getting on in years, and he has forgotten how this all went down, so let me tell ya how it actually happened.

So there I was a young 22-year-old Queen, with Emus on the way. I needed some farmhands to feed those emu folks. What's a Queen to do? So, in desperation, I baked some brownies...and started offering them to the men of BYC. (First brownie is always free ladies...keep them coming back for more. ;))

Once I got them used to those brownies and sweet tea, and they were comfortable lounging in those rocking chairs...I started setting the traps. Stuck his rocking chair right in the trap, and he walked right into it and sat down, and the rest is history yall. I snagged that ol' farmboy. :wee

(If any of you single ladies need brownie recipes or the plans to build the traps, shoot me a PM)
That ain't how it actually happened though yall. He's getting on in years, and he has forgotten how this all went down, so let me tell ya how it actually happened.

So there I was a young 22-year-old Queen, with Emus on the way. I needed some farmhands to feed those emu folks. What's a Queen to do? So, in desperation, I baked some brownies...and started offering them to the men of BYC. (First brownie is always free ladies...keep them coming back for more. ;))

Once I got them used to those brownies and sweet tea, and they were comfortable lounging in those rocking chairs...I started setting the traps. Stuck his rocking chair right in the trap, and he walked right into it and sat down, and the rest is history yall. I snagged that ol' farmboy. :wee

(If any of you single ladies need brownie recipes or the plans to build the traps, shoot me a PM)
I’ll admit the brownies helped.
and the stuffed bell peppers.
and the mushroom chicken.
And the homemade bread.

but the rocking chair was a lie. Remember? You sold all 15 of my rocking chairs. Because “your grandma had one just like it!”
No, I haven't met a boyfriend or anything over here, but it's amazing how you and your husband came to be.

I did want to share a story about my new friend who almost instantly became my best friend:
She contacted me first in a conversation or as some might call it, a pm. Well, I was kinda nervous at first, but was willing to answer her questions. Then we started chatting a lot! We discovered that we had a lot of similarities! She got me to do my first Zoom call. Now we text, and have even talked on the phone with each other! I'm so glad that she reached out to me! I probably would of never become friends with her if she hadn't. I didn't even know that people could become friends on BYC. I would come over to BYC, help a couple of people out with chicken problems, sometimes learn a new thing or two, and maybe post a thread for help on something. Now, because of my new best friend, I've discovered that BYC is so much more! Also, I've never been one to have friends. I didn't know how to make friends with someone. Nobody ever came up to me unless they had a chicken problem or something to do with chickens, but never to be a friend. I do have my pen pal, but it's sometimes hard to relate to her sometimes. Me and my pen pal have nothing in common except for writing. For a few years, my pen pal was my only friend. Now I have two friends! First my pen pal and now my best friend! There's a lot of things I can relate to my best friend, too. I'm so glad that she reached out to me! My best friend whom I'm so thankful for and my Mom says is an answer to her prayers is @cluckmecoop7 ! Thank you so much for reaching out to me @cluckmecoop7 !!! ♥ Thank you so much for being my BEST friend! ♥

Why thank you so much @Lacy Duckwing! You're my BEST friend, too! :hugs
So I remember, but both MFB and Em have it wrong. Doesn’t matter now, cause they are together. I got to sit and watch it unfold.
About 10 years ago, got a PM from another marine biologist, what are the chances of two marine biologists on a chicken site? On March 7th, it will be our 10th Friendiversary. Love ya @EmtheFishLady, always got my back!

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