I might get a breeding pair of peacocks!! So many questions


12 Years
Aug 11, 2007
We have wanted peacocks for a long time but never been able to find any locally and don't want the minimum order required or like the prices the hatcherys charge.
We found someone who has two breeding pairs 2yrs and 3 yrs old. They also have some young 1yr old that apparently havn't paired up yet.
They are asking $100 for the breeding pairs and $30 for the others and Scott said we could get a breeding pair!!!

So Can they eat layer feed or Game feed? What is the appropriate food for them? Is a stall of a garage enough room for them in the winter?

Do they tend to leave home? Will we need to confine them for a while when we first get them?

We feed our adults regular chicken layer feed, when they are growing out they need a higher protien feed. When you bring them home they need to be kept in a covered pen until they call your place home. If you just bring them home and turn them out you will more than likely never see them again. When we got out first pair we kept them penned for about a month and I was still worried to death that when we let them out they would be gone. Ours roost outside year round but our winters in eastern NC are nothing like yours - hopefully somebody will chime in about that.

Steve in NC
If these are green, they will need heat. At that price my guess they are india ,but best keep them in the stall in the winters, they can loose toes from frostbite. Use 2x4 for perch so they can set on their toes.

2 yr old will breed this year, a peacock(3yr) can take care up to 4 to 6 peahens.

The game bird food, would be best.

Best to get some young ones from the pr. before trying to free range them.

Depend on the peafowl, lots are lost when people first try free ranging . Help if pen for a month or longer and you have other birds.(chicken,turkey,guineas,or peafowl)
Yes you MUST confine them. As long as you can tolerate- longer(months instead of weeks) is definitely better.. never a 100% guarantee though.

Younger birds generally are much easier for eventual turning out to free range than adults.

Peafowl do not pair up. Sometimes there will be "favorites" such as one male liking one female, but in reality they will breed with whoever. The only strong bonds are brood-mates and mothers/babies. So you can select your favorite male and female and that will be fine.
The lady never emailed me back
So I guess no peafowl for me.

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