I must say something good for the hawks.

chigger bait

8 Years
Jan 19, 2012
Jonesborough, Tennessee
I know that hawks and all raptors are predators of opportunity and can be chicken thieves of the worst kind.

But I must say something in their behalf.

Last night as I was walking out the gate from work, at dusk, there was a flock of English Starling (aka flying rats) swooping around low, around the trees tops looking for a place to roost.

As they were on final approach to an American Holly, there suddenly appeared a Sharp shank Hawk on the 6 o'clock of their formation.

The starlings dove into holly seeking the cover of the thick evergreen foliage, but this did not slow down the hawk, he went right in after them.

Seconds later, he appeared with a starling in each talon.

I said to myself, Good for you ole man, that is two less of those things that poop on me out in the open process of my work area.
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The hawks here help to keep the sage rats under control and they make at least a small dent in the sparrow population. I'm perfectly happy to have them around. I love to see them. They are magnificent creatures and make themselves useful.

If they ever decide to bother my flock, then my birds will get moved under cover and that will solve the problem. There aren't many hawks big enough to try it on with my birds and, so far, they haven't been interested in trying. (touch wood)
I've seen Redtails catch voles (a type of field rat) when we were bush hogging fields, having to stop the tractor because they would have a vole in one talon and be hopping across the ground to get a second one.

All this time the parents had two hungry fledglings, crying of a free meal in the tops of Virginia Black Pines.

They could fly but they were still to young to feed themselves.

The young would swallow those field rats whole.
I'm not sure but I've been told the only bird in North America it is legally to shoot is the starling. I do agree, they are pest.

I leave the hawks alone as long as they do their thing away from my chickens. I've seen um take squirrels out of the tops of trees here. Very good hunters.
I have only had one loss to a hawk, and that was before I put adequate cover on my run.
Now my girls are safe, or as safe as I can make them.
The hawks have been my squirrel exterminators for a couple of weeks. They are really awesome to see in action. If only they could take out some of the deer like that!
The European Starling, along with the English Sparrow,
are not indigineous to North America,
& came across with the immigrants to this country.
They both can be trapped or killed & are not a listed
species as protected in the Migratory Bird Act.

Thank you so much for the story &
for the kudos for hawks!!!

I love them....

There are 2 types of hawks -Accipiters & Buteos,
also Falcons, & dont forget the eagles.
They are a great asset to our ecosystems!

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