I need a sweet potato/marshmallow recipe

I top the sweet potatoes with a little butter, canned milk, brown sugar, vanilla, some spice like cinnamon or pumkin pie spice.Then I put them in the oven and get them bubbly hot. Next I top with marshmallows and bake until they are melted and slightly brown.
I dont measure the ingrediants, it would depend on the amount of potatoes.
Heres a guessament; about 3 sweet potatoes(maybe 2 cans?) 1/2 stick butter, 1/4 c. milk, 1/2 c. brown sugar, 1/2 c. white sugar, 1 tsp. vanilla, 1/2 to 1 tsp spice, and enough mini marshmallows to almost cover the potatoes.

Crushed pecans are good on this too, add them on top before you bake!
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See I can do the sweet po pie. I just get my sister to do it. HEHEHEE. She makes them good. But her ex always did the casserolle.

I hope it comes out yummy, or I will never do it again!

ETA- Thanks! I copied it down and am going to give it a try.
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I think you should try it and then report back to us. You may have just made up a new favorite recipe!

Strangely enough I think there are some sweet potatoes in the fridge and some graham crackers I'll have to check for marshmallows. We had some of those huge big marshmallows. What's up with that? I'm not fat enough?

Hey I just had a thought, what about making Smore's with "Peeps"? Peeps are marshmallow. Toasted Peeps on a stick.

What if you made that Sweet Poatoes casserole with Christmas Peeps? That would look very colorful.

Ok I'm done, places to go and other people on BYC to annoy.

Oh that could be funny! Now I am tempted! LOL. Make a tiny one like that, that way, if its gross, I wouldn't have wasted to much food. Ofcourse, could see if the chickens will eat it... BUT might be too much sugar huh... LOL

Chickens on a sugar buzz. Imagine what the eggs would look like!
I take raw sweet potatoes, (not from a can), and chop them up into large chunks. Actually, I make dh do this, as they are extremely hard to cut. Then I boil them until quite mushy. Then burn the heck out of your fingers as you slip the skins off the chunks. Place the skins in a bowl to save for chicken scraps. Then take a potato masher, and mush up any remaining chunks. Add brown sugar, and butter. Sorry, I don't measure on this, so just throw some in, and stir. Then pour into a casserole pan, and top all over with mini marshmallows. The rainbow ones are cool. Then bake for....until the marshmallows melt...just a few minutes. Enjoy, then give the skins to the chickens. Happy Thanksgiving!

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