I need duck advice!


Aug 14, 2022
Help! I have 4 magpie ducks that we rescued 6 weeks ago. They were laying before I got them, and laid the day after they got here. They have not laid since. Them moving to our farm, they took a bit to adjust but now they are happy and thriving. The move did push them to molt, and that’s all but done from what I can tell. When can I expect them to lay eggs again?
Any advice would be amazing.
It is stressful for a duck to be moved. If you are free ranging them on a farm I wouldn't be surprised they aint already laying. Ducks don't go to a nest to lay eggs unless they are broody. They will drop wherever and anywhere when the need hit them. We used to find eggs all over the place, including out in the pond under water.
It is stressful for a duck to be moved. If you are free ranging them on a farm I wouldn't be surprised they aint already laying. Ducks don't go to a nest to lay eggs unless they are broody. They will drop wherever and anywhere when the need hit them. We used to find eggs all over the place, including out in the pond under water.
Thank you for your response. We have them right now in a 30ft by 30ft space. There isn’t anywhere they could lay that we wouldn’t see. No bushes or anything. We put fake eggs in their coop and they bury them deep. But still no eggs.

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