I need duck help

No change yet ! She still can't raise her leg . She can stand up from sitting position she can on it , just can't get that lifting and forward motion ? I can't fine any difference between the two when feeling them except for some swelling ! I'm stumped ???
No change yet ! She still can't raise her leg . She can stand up from sitting position she can on it , just can't get that lifting and forward motion ? I can't fine any difference between the two when feeling them except for some swelling ! I'm stumped ???
Leg injuries take time to heal, she has had a traumatic injury so being able to stand is progress just be patient and keep up with the ES soaks if you've been doing them . and warm water therapy keeping the muscle strong will go along way in helping her recover. Just don't push her. One of these days she'll stand and take a step. Then more will come.Are you soaking her legs in ES? you can also do ES wraps too.
Yes I soak it in ES , and warm baths ! I'll just have to be patient ! Thanks !

Looking forward to hearing progress reports.
No change yet ! She still can't raise her leg . She can stand up from sitting position she can on it , just can't get that lifting and forward motion ? I can't fine any difference between the two when feeling them except for some swelling ! I'm stumped ???

Yes patience is key here. I crushed E'asters foot once with my boot , shear arrogance with my head phones in, and I thought she would never be the same. Gave her a bad limp for about a month. She hated me too, would yell at me when I entered the room but she got over that and I'm glade, because I was really really sorry.(I felt like a complete butt doughnut)

It healed up nice and now you wouldn't even know. Its was during the winter so I put her out side in the snow to reduce swelling and put her back in my old room to restrict her movement.

You might want to give her something to boost her digestive system as stress from the injury may have an effect on hers. If you see weight loss, lack off eating or strange poops.
I'm sorry to say , I had to put her down ! She was not able to use her leg at all ! She will be missed
a few days after I noticed my male duck was getting very protective of the other female ! All he does is attack my feet ? He has changed a lot more aggressive ?
I'm sorry to say , I had to put her down ! She was not able to use her leg at all ! She will be missed
a few days after I noticed my male duck was getting very protective of the other female ! All he does is attack my feet ? He has changed a lot more aggressive ?
Very sorry. Being protective is normal but don't let him attack you. He needs to realize you are the dominant drake in his flock. Take a broom or long pole with you when you go out with them and place it between you and him, he is not allowed to attack your feet or any other part of your body. I have a drake who has to be reminded that he can't attack me, I will use the broom to push him out of the way too. It takes a couple of times before he gets it but he finally waddles off, [This drake was raised by me since his mama rejected him] he thinks he can take advantage of me . lol
I raised all three from ducklings so I was surprised ! I can pick him up but when I get near the female he comes after me with his head down ! I will put a stop to that ! Thanks for the info
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Wow what's up with my male duck ! I stick my hand in the pond to clean out the leaves and he swims over and starts biting me and hard I might add ! I have done everything from holding him down to picking up nothing seems to work ! Since he lost a female he has benn very mean !
Sorry your duck didn't make it. Given time I'm sure the drake will forgive you, but in the meantime you need to reassert yourself.

When any of my ducks get pushy or bitey with me I find the best thing to do is put your palm on their chest and push back with enough force to stagger them - be careful as you don't want to hurt their legs by flooring them or anything!
When they nip and bite just gently push their head away.

This is usually enough to stop the aggression instantly - my ducks are generally a good natured lot though and none of them have an axe to grind with me either!
I have one duck (a female) who won't be told who is boss but it's very rare that she gets a munt on with me - we brought her up from a day old so it's our own fault for treating her like a princess!!
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