I need help..AGAIN, with these silkies..please!!!UPDATE::PICS

Amanda.....the picture you saw, and picked from, are all hens. I seperated the roos from the hens as soon as I got them. The poor ladies didnt need the stress of mateing.
The hens and roos are easy to tell apart, and I have 2 seperate pens for just this type of situation. Rescues. ( altho, the pen that the roos are in was meant to be for goats! LOL)
I DEFINITELY want 2 hens.
I sent you email about possible colors and shipping.

So after all these chickens are spoken for, how many are left? And have you heard back from the devil woman? And does she have any more that still need rescuing??? Thanks for keeping us updated. There will be many jewels in your crown in heaven for your devotion to these beloved creatures.
It's too bad somebody from out of town couldn't show up acting like a buyer and drop on a dime on this woman and her neglect. Sometimes you need to get interference (help) from an outside (different county) source to get stuff done in a small town.

I said in the other post the woman was nuts and her wanting them back just proves it !!!

Good luck and I hope you are able to re-home them quickly.

Peeps. I doubt that Stubs will ever be able to breed. He does not have the toes to " hang on" to a hen. He is going to be a great pet tho!

jeaucamom ...wow, there has been a flood of interest in these babies. I can never thank you all enough!! So far, none of the roos are spoken for, and I believe there are still a few, maybe 2 hens left.
I am waiting to hear about the "chicken train" to Ohio....hopefully this will happen this weekend some time.

Still no word from the "dirty chicken lady" I guess she got the hint, that these babies will NOT come back to her!
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