I need help please..... dog attack ...update: She didn't make it!

I just can't confirm that this adult dose is okay for the little munchkins. One would presume they drink less than adult birds, so they would get less, but I don't know for absolute sure if okay for chicks. You might start a quick separate post asking pain med dose for chicks? in the title and see if we can get confirmation. While you're waiting for response you could cut the dose in half just for starters (1/2 baby aspirin in cup of water and see if she'll drink a bit) and you'd probably be okay. It may be too weak to even take the edge off but....

Ok, thanks JJ... I have another question.... I have duramycin and Tylan 50 on hand right now.... can I use either of those until I can get something else?
I haven't had to treat chicks before - only adults - so maybe include this question in a post about meds for the little ones......Hopefully someone will see it quickly. Maybe also get in touch with avian vet offices to ask, just to cover all bases in case responses take awhile to come in....
Tiff, my Grandpa had a chick (back in the 70's) that had a leg ripped off below the knee by a cat. He took a wooden toothpick and stuck it into the stump and let the chick go. No meds, no cleaning, no fuss. By the time the toothpick rotted the hen hopped around just fine on one leg. She was bred by the rooster and was a great broody.

I was a kid at the time, and his actions totally freaked me out.
Now, as an adult, I am amazed at the resilience of chickens!

I'm sure your baby will heal just fine with all the TLC it will get from you!!
I don't know that I can do that Lori
I sure hope she does ok. I am going to try and splint it, and if that doesn't work I will just have the leg removed. I don't know what else to do .
It is infact a compound fracture. I believe it is going to be her thigh. I have been talking to Pumkinpup.....she is awesome!! I am going first thing in the morning to get some supplies to see if I can splint it.
She is doing pretty good. I gave her some water earlier and she was eager to drink, so that is a good sign. I haven't tried to feed her since the attack. I will give her food in the morning. My poor baby
she is so sweet. She does actually try to get around alittle, but I want let her. We took us a nap in the recliner for a couple of hours.

We both consulted with our vet on "Dickey" (turkey) we initially thought we would have to amputate but tried to splingt and wrap first and glad we did.
Did she mention the bamboo skewers? Walmart carries them in the kitchen section for about $1 , they are awesome as you can easily cut them to length and small enough not to overwhelm small birds.

As far as the baby aspirin, I would to 1/2 in some water to start, that will take care of pain and inflammation, but with a compound antibiotics are a must.
No she didn't mention skewers. I think I am going to go ahead with the Duramycin.... I don't have much choice right now.

I will post pictures and maybe somebody can help me figure out how to splint it. I am at a total loss.
I don't know that I can do that Lori
I sure hope she does ok. I am going to try and splint it, and if that doesn't work I will just have the leg removed. I don't know what else to do .

I wasn't suggesting you do that
Just trying to illustrate that in all liklihood it will all work out just fine.

Popsicle sticks make good splints. Surely you have those!

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