I need help, please.


In the Brooder
Jan 30, 2023
Hi y’all~ my name is Stacy and I am new to the chicken community, which I simply adore.
I have had 44 chickens for over 8 months and when I came home from my nursing shift tonight I found 29 of them killed. I’m afraid that the rest of them will not make it, but the vet will be here to help them soon.
2 neighborhood dogs are on camera committing the attack.
I am not posting my first thread to ask what to do about the dogs~ will someone please show me a coop that I should build in the future? Also, I have a perimeter of 1/2 an acre that I need to secure. I live in Mississippi on 55 acres.
Please don’t criticize me, I’ll only ignore you. I’m absolutely devastated.
Thank you in advance. ♥️
So sorry for your losses. I hope the vet can save the others
I have seen hot wire can help
Chicken wire unfortunately only keeps birds in but not predators out
I’m sure many who have put fencing will be able to help
I only have ducks with 1.5 acre and I have a wood fence around my yard
I also luckily have a husky who guards her birds
I am so sorry. What a nightmare. :hugs

I have that much land surrounded by electric netting. We have significant predators here, and it's kept our animals safe. For a coop, I have a converted shed with an attached walk-in dog kennel run and a large yard with the electric netting and covered with aviary netting. The fence is hot enough to supposedly deter bears (it puts out 10k). We had a bear come through and destroy my neighbor's apiaries and break into my car, but my animals were untouched.
Welcome, Stacy! I'm so sorry for your losses, that's terrible! There is a section here all about coops. Click the icon at the top that looks like two little conversation balloons and do a little browsing, you'll find it. You need a building you can lock at night. You also need a secure run for during the day. Google field fencing. It's sturdy and will keep dogs out. But you also need to line the lower 4' or so of it with 1/4" hardware cloth, to keep out smaller predators like raccoons. Chicken wire will keep chickens in but it's flimsy, it won't keep predators out. Good luck!
Hi y’all~ my name is Stacy and I am new to the chicken community, which I simply adore.
I have had 44 chickens for over 8 months and when I came home from my nursing shift tonight I found 29 of them killed. I’m afraid that the rest of them will not make it, but the vet will be here to help them soon.
2 neighborhood dogs are on camera committing the attack.
I am not posting my first thread to ask what to do about the dogs~ will someone please show me a coop that I should build in the future? Also, I have a perimeter of 1/2 an acre that I need to secure. I live in Mississippi on 55 acres.
Please don’t criticize me, I’ll only ignore you. I’m absolutely devastated.
Thank you in advance. ♥️
I am soulfully sorry you had to experience this, terrible! I fear the same thing, my neighbors ar so irresponsible their dog runs the streets, I found the dogs collar stuck in my run, he didn’t get in but he tried enough to rip his collar off! my girls are ok but I fear he will come back😞😢

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