I Need Help!!!!! Rescued Chicks In Bad Shape.... UPDATE!!

I put my money where my mouth is and did the same thing you did---I just brought home the very last four chicks of the season from my feedstore. Two Speckled Sussex and two EEs (sexed pullets), only four leftover babies. One EE has BAD pasty butt so she is now cleaned up and on warm molasses water treatment. She's weak, but I'm always hopeful. I think you should go rescue the other chicks at your store. As I wrote earlier, it's more important to save these chicks than to try to avoid the store reordering chicks. This late in the season, they probably won't replenish their chick supply. The remaining chicks are suffering at this very moment...in my opinion, rescuing them is most important and the right thing to do.

Now....going back to checking in on my own rescue chicks! Keep us posted.

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