I need help with egg autopsy!


10 Years
Aug 18, 2014
Needville Texas
My Coop
My Coop
I was hoping for some feedback regarding the pics below.
I can't complain, I had a great hatch, however to educate myself, I am asking anyone who will take a look at this one and see if you can point out the problem to me.
It pierced through she'll where you see the beak, however never finished. I opened the incubator about 28 hours after the last egg hatched to see what was going on. This little one had a hole through shel for a very long time, so I pretty much knew it didn't survive.
I opened up she'll and this is what I found. Is it positioned wrong?


I hope the image is clear, I had to take the pics quickly before the kids came home and saw.
Thanks for any help!
so you opened the egg and found the chick in this position? Looks like he was too weak to completely hatch it happens all the time. sorry for your loss but congrats on the others.
Yes, thank you. So just too weak? Not malpositioned or anything like that?
Ok, I need all the education I can get.
Thank you again.

The chick will normally have its head tucked under a wing as it pips..... It will spin in the shell to "zip" the egg. I would say Grandama bird is right, chick was too too weak, as she said it is very common. But the position is not completely typical either.... When you open one like you describe doing. If the chick is alive, you will normally have to kinda unfold its wing to free the head.
There is a great thread on the site on hatching eggs that goes through helping a chick hatch. It is fantastic and can help anyone along. I just recently freed a gosling with little issue and a lot of patience. It was in a terrible position and could not externally pip. I'll post the link in a second for future reference

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