I need ideas on condolense gift.

You stated "I wasn't close to him, but I really liked him". Well one thing is a nice note stating these facts. What is it you really liked about him? Put this with a nice fruit basket and a small gift for the child and you'll create a keepsake memory they will never forget.
I am sorry for you loss.
Thanks English and sorry to hear of you loss JessaLynn and also cafarmgirl for your mother in law. Nothing replaces the pain.
But, the kindness of others helps! Just compassion and empathetic friends, loving family, it does give the mind and heart a break.
I know everyone agrees with food, however a phone call to see if she needs anything may be wise before hand. We wound up with so much food after my grandmothers passing that we had to throw some away.

If not food, then a plant that they can keep. Flowers die and remind them of death.
and condolences on the loss of your mom.
I agree with Debi that there's a lot of food sometimes, early on. But after a week or so the pain is still there and the food is uaually gone. That might be the perfect time to take something over. Knowing they are still in someone's mind/heart will do as much for them as the food.
I agree that food is a great gesture. But I also say wait a few days. After my dad passed away we had so much food and so many condolences the first week or two that I lost track of who brought what, etc. But then two weeks later, the rest of the world had moved on and we were left to our own grief.
You can also get a gift card or two for a local restaurant with a decent children's menu, if she tells you she is already inundated with food. (When my mother died, we also had way too much food brought to the house. In our case, we were able to freeze it and divide it up among family members, but my dad wouldn't have been able to eat all of that food himself.)

If they need to just get out for a while afterward when all the casseroles are gone, there is somewhere to go. It can be relaxing to eat at a restaurant after a very stressful day of going through belongings or paperwork, and not have to clean up after yourself later.
Okay, I like the idea of the food basket and a little something for the son. With a note attached saying we really liked him and why.

I'm going to meet my husband in town and give it to him to deliver on his way home from work, as he was the Cubmaster to the boy and he warms people way better than I do. Plus, I know I'll cry all over the poor lady and how fun would that be.
This is a good thread for me, Because i never know the right thing to do or say either.. Its such a hard thing..

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