I need pregnant cat help please. (New pics/update page 12)

OMG I wish you were closer to me, I have a friend looking for a siamese/mix and I would so take the black one! Our cat is a black one and that to me is the only color cats should be lol lol
I heard cats carry for 4 months. I think my cat who is an outside only cat is preggo. She has been wanting to stay in the garage more and tries to come in the house. Her nipples are getting bigger, but I don't feel any babies moving. She is a very loving cat. She will come right up to me and loves to be petted. So I take it that since she is not feral she will let me know where she has her babies? How long do cats usually carry their young? I have seen goats and bunnies being born, but have never had kittens before. So I am newbie at this one. With goats and rabbits you can touch them right after birth. What about kittens?

Thanks Asher for your post. Congrats on the kittens and I am learning alot for when my kitty is ready to have hers.

How close again are you to central nc? I think I may want a white one... Or the black... Not so picky... Will give company to the girl I have now.
Crazy - I'm not sure. I'm close to Asheville, if that helps at all.

Sunshine, I believe I was told 9 weeks. That's right about right for Ruby, give or take a few weeks from the time that I noticed she was wobbling with babies. I never felt her babies, either. I tried, but never did. I could tell that she was getting bigger, but I could never externally palpitate babies. The problem is, there's really no telling what she will do. She may try to find a safe place in your garage or she may just as well have them off somewhere. That is what I did not want as we had people abandon a lot of cats at our house growing up and feral kittens are not easy to get friendly at all. They do not stand a lot of chance of catching and rehoming unless you trap them and even then you'll have issue rehoming them or sterilizing them.

I did not touch Ruby's kittens right after birth, but did move them in to a different box later that day and have touched them a few times since. Mainly because she is caged and cannot move them. If I did not have her caged, I would not risk it, but that's just me.
Mine is not feral at all. She is a lover. She comes right up to us and loves to held and her belly rubbed. We call her the permaster.
Her nipples are getting bigger. Someone told me to watch that also. I am new to cats so I just don't know. So how old are your kittens? When did you start holding them so they are friendly? I will have to watch her. Whenever I am outside checking on the other animals she is all over me. I did change out an igloo and put hay in it instead of a bed and some treats for her, and she went in to eat the treats. It is right outside the garage and by her food bowl. So she knows the area, and it is a good place for her. Thanks for an info that might help.
I know she isn't feral. However, their instinct is to nest where there are no risks, etc. so she may not have them near you and, if not, the kittens will be feral if not used to people.

Mine are only a week old now. I held them (to move them) within 24 hours and again a few days later to fix the bedding.

Will take new pics later today hopefully. :)
Kittehs at one week, 1 day old. I think most of them are going to be long haired. I just came in and told hubby that I am in SO much trouble! They are just way too cute. I may end up keeping the Siamese mixes as I believe they are a grandbaby of a cat that we lost to a vehicle. :-(

Not sure if you all can see these as I'm pulling them from my facebook. If not, let me know and I'll upload them elsewhere.

Whiney- 1week old, long haired gray with white bib and feet

Tiger - 1 week old, striped, long hair.

Jag - 1 week old, solid black, not sure about hair length, but doesn't appear to be as long as his/her siblings.

Thing 1 & Thing 2. I cannot tell them apart, both possibly long haired with points. Appears to be grandbabies of a cat that we had and not sure these two will be rehomed.

Aww they are getting so cute!

Jag looks like he is going to be a BIG cat!
Maybe he will be a good mouser
Oh dear, What Kind of names are Thing 1 and Thing 2 for such adorable kittens?
How's mama doing?
keep us up to date with photos they are great!

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