I need reassurance please!!


7 Years
Apr 6, 2012
Crawfordsville, IN
My 6 mixed breed chickens are 8 weeks old tomorrow. Just today I was able to secure the underside of our 6x8 playhouse-to-chicken coop conversion. A light rain came in a little quicker than I had expected and I was not able to secure the inside of the coop. The chickens are in the underneath of the coop on sand. It's only supposed to get down to 52 tonight but I am nervous for the chickens. They have been in our temp regulated garage and have never been outside overnight. Will they be alright in the open underside of the coop?
Chickens were wild before they were domesticated and are much heartier than we give them credit for. They should be fine but that is just my opinion.
My 6 mixed breed chickens are 8 weeks old tomorrow. Just today I was able to secure the underside of our 6x8 playhouse-to-chicken coop conversion. A light rain came in a little quicker than I had expected and I was not able to secure the inside of the coop. The chickens are in the underneath of the coop on sand. It's only supposed to get down to 52 tonight but I am nervous for the chickens. They have been in our temp regulated garage and have never been outside overnight. Will they be alright in the open underside of the coop?
I moved my "chicks" out last weekend. They went out in the tractor they have been brooding in. It has a 2 x 3' closed in end, and over all is 3' x 6' x 2' high. I've wrapped it in a tarp at night, put straw bales around it, and the temps have been down to 27 degrees. They are 6.5 - 8 weeks old. they have chosen to spend several nights in the open end on bare ground instead of going in the elevated cozy end... most likely due to chicken stupidity. They've done fine.
As above, chicks are a lot hardier than some give them credit for. I used to worry about things like that until I watched mother hens with their broods--at a couple of days of age the chicks are every where, only coming to Mama when they were cold, after four weeks or as soon as they are fairly well feathered out, they ignore her and pretty much spend their time on their own. 8 week chicks will be fine at 52 or cooler, if not they'll huddle together and stay warm.

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