I need some help with what to tell my neighbor. Please

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Thanks for all the ideas, guys. Appreciate it!

I think next time they come or call to bring him down, i'm just going to say that i dont think its a good idea. That my roos are getting agressive and my goose is a beast and they could hurt little Satan. I'll say that kids have lost their eyes from roosters jumping up and flogging them..etc...
I'll make it sound all dangerous and scary for him to come down here..
AND as an extra percaution i'll hang garlic and holy water at my gates..
Biosecurity For Birds is an initiative to help you keep your birds healthy.

Biosecurity Basics: Protect Your Birds

Rule #1 Keep Your Distance.
Restrict access to your property and
your birds.
Consider fencing off the
area where you keep your birds and
make a barrier area if possible. Allow
only people who take care of your birds
to come into contact with them. ...

Here is the government website with a wealth of information to help you. This is their poultry page:


They even have a poster you could print and put on your door at the bottom of this page:

Hope this helps.

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He's gonna end up MAKING your roos mean....

my roos will tackle any situation that gets out of hand, if I dont take care of it first. and I want them to know that i am head rooster anyway.

someone needs to teach that kid about respect...and if it needs to be you, in a firm but sensible way, then so be it. maybe the kid needs a friend.
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Try casting the devil out of ALL of em'...
but be careful though... there are some folks out there that if you cast the devil out of em' they'd fall into a heap on the ground because they'd lose the glue that binds em' together.... BE GONE SATAN!! They'd probly all run off screamin'
yeah...thats what i was afraid of..him making my animals mean and scared.. Little booger!..
hehehe..i should try it...Imagine their faces when i say it!..
I'm afraid the kid will put a hex on me or something though!..
If it was me I would tell them the next time they came over that here are the new rules and show them a nice little print out. Have everything on the list that he is not doing correctly.

Tell the granparents that you are sad to report that your animals are becoming more and more upset each time they are chased and scared. A scared animal is a very very unpredictable one. Not only does it hurt the animal but the animals could very well hurt the one who is harassing them.

Explain that if any rules are broken the kid will no longer be able to come back for one year. If after that time span is up and the kid does come back and breaks a rule again they will no longer be allowed back at all.

Most people will forget about it all together after a year. We have some very bad acting kids from our F.D. All the parents know how I feel about bad acting kids. So the rules are very clear when around me, my crib midget and my house. Those who do not act correctly are told to leave. Most will ask to come back way sooner than a year just dont budge. After 6 or so months they stop all together and never come back. Works out well

Sorry that you have to deal with grandparents who will not inforce common rules on the grandkid.
You have already lasted much longer than me.
you might even say SCABIES instead of lice, that is more scary than lice to most parents/grandparents. You can also put your foot down about "look with your eyes, not your hands" no visitors in the coops and pens. Kids have to stay on the outside- new rule, due to a friend's kid getting hurt/scabies/muddy/giardia- whatever excuse you want to use. But say it directly to the adults, and say directly- I do not want to be the bad guy here, YOU need to have Damien play by my house rules, or he simply cannot come over. He is old enough to understand basic rules. Then sweetly follow-up with, I have nothing against YOU- you are welcome to come over anytime, and I LOVE kids- including Damien- but he needs to obey my rules. Actually you might not want to use the contagious disease angle, as that might get around the neighborhood and scare people you do want to come over- but the keeping kids away from the animals so neither kid nor animal gets hurt rule should go over fine. You made a new rule, and it needs to be followed.

Nice one! Thanks!

I bet they will never EVER ask again
Why not?

The word 'no' is a complete sentence.

I cant be rude to people that i know like that..
i grew up with these people. Its not as easy as a simple no.
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