I need the smell under control!!!!!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 28, 2011
My chickens are really starting to smell (they reek) does anybody know any tricks to controlling the smell???
For us its all about staying on top the poop. Our set up is on concrete for now, which is great because we just power wash the heck out of it and then as 1muttsfan noted: soap and elbow grease for the really gnarly bits. The girls happily run around the yard snatching up bugs and then wait for me to put everything away and go in to wash up before they come back to undo all my hard work. I do just a little upkeep every day (or every other day if I get a case of the lazies) and then about an hour on saturday, and we have the chicken funk issue under control.
I use DE. I clean the poop several times a day. It only smells when wet and only in the run. No matter how much you clean it, there will always be a smell when wet. DE really helps and keeps the flies off.

Next year, hubby will take all the sand of the run out and replace with new sand. It actually turned into nice compost for the garden.

My coop never smells. I use oxine at least 1-2 times a week to clean the roost and walls.
I clean out the floor about once a month, and the rest scrubbed up once a year using a "deep litter method" I don't notice any smell maybe Iam just used to the farm smell.
Tell us more about how your chickens are housed. How large a coop and run, how many birds, what is the bedding and floor, what climate do you live in.

My coop is hardly ever cleaned out. I just add more shavings when it gets a little nose-wrinkly. My run is dirt and does get a little smelly when it rains a lot---live in the PNW, but as stated I'm just used to it.
the chicken coop and run at the house i just moved into smelled horrendously
especially after it rained
so i cleaned out the coop and started the Deep Litter thing which is working MARVELOUSLY so far
and started putting all the yard waste into the run. the chickens mix it up and the smell is immediately gone. its working out so far! fingers crossed.
I had hubby turn over the sand in the run and it no longer smells when wet! It's a miracle!

I've never had a coop smell issue since I clean it so often. Our coop is inside our garage and I'm very picky about cleanliness with the coop and run. Keeping it clean also keeps the bugs/flies away as well.
Keep the coop/run clean and it won't smell.

We rake out the run and completely clean out the coop litter once per week. I scrub down the inside of the coop with a bleach solution once per month. No odors (unless they drop a fresh cecal right in front of you and you're crazy enough to stand in its aroma
) and it also keeps the flies down during the summer.
You may need to clean the coop well. But after that, I use DE and Lime to keep the smell and other things like mites and lice and under
control. Regular maintenance is probably the best thing. I use the deep litter method so I add new pine shavings and DE often which seems
to keep the smell and poop under control.

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