I need to get rid of my aggressive old male


Crossing the Road
5 Years
Aug 26, 2018
Dallas, Georgia
Sheldon is NOT a pleasant duck. Never has been never will be. He's 1 1/2 yrs old and has always been a butt. I contacted Metzer Farms (who are wonderful with advice by the way) and I was told to get rid of him because I have 2 more young males to add to my flock. 3 males and 4 females is too many males but the people at Metzer said that 2 males to 4 should be ok. How do I get rid of the aggressive duck without getting him killed? It seems like nobody wants males. I don't want to just set him free into the wild because it would take about 5 minutes for a fox, coyote or hawk to get him. He's never imprinted on me so it's not like we have a "bond" or anything but I just can't be that mean to him.
1-4 is a much better ratio or 1-3. Too many drakes leads to problems. You should never offer someone else a problem bird. It should become dinner either for you or someone else. Plus, once out of your hands you really have no control over what happens. We have an animal rehab/rescue for wild animals that people decide at one point would make good pets until they grew up and became too much to handle. If I could not bring myself to eat one of my birds, then I would contact them. They wouldn't take it live though, so I would still have to cull. Maybe you have a place like that nearby?
Letting him go to the wild is just cruel. Your duck has lived a good life so far and becoming a prepared dinner is not the worst to thing that could happen.

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