I NEED to KNOW ANYTHING and EVERYTHING about COCHINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It didn't work for me either. Also no reason to talk down to anyone, it's just someone asking for help.
ps. merry christmas
Well shoot, I come up with 33 pages with cochin in the title. LCWilson, go to the search link above, type cochin in the keyword search, where it says "search in", click the dropdown menu to where it says Topic Subject only. Then hit Submit. That will give you enough cochin reading to get you to Christmas.
It'll keep you busy

We love our rooster. He's got the most personality of all our chickens, though we're having a heckuva time keeping leg feathers on him. Right now, he looks more like a fat partridge rock. He's cold hardy though with his small single comb. He's doing better than the hens
Thank you halo . For some of us " newbie " covers alot of areas other than chickens , including how to search a subject whether it be here at BYC or the web . To be honest I can often read instructions with commonly used words by those with computer experience and feel stupid because they may just as well have been written in Latin
[ took me a few days before I figured out where that little character came from , doesn't look like a " More Smiles " to me ; I still don't where the " This thread is worthless .......... " comes from ]
We had a partridge cochin roo that I named "Big Daddy", that is the most HUGE chicken I've ever owned.

It's hillarious to watch our BW Ameraucana with the Partridge Cochin hen. She is almost TOO big for him to reach...
My standard cochins are gorgeous, bossy gals. They do not have any special needs - from me. They do; however, require the subserviance of all the other hens!

Everyone is giving you grief about doing your homework. I suggest a take-home exam: Get yourself some pretty cochins!

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