I need to know my slw’s gender.

Jul 17, 2019
Holland, MI
They’ve been acting mean and pecking at the chickens I know are pullets. They peck at their combs and eyes... (Roosters of this breed are generally very mean. It makes me doubt they are a pullet...)
It's hard to say. I had a Wyandotte that hatched in late March that, by August, was definitely a cockerel, but his comb and wattles were much larger than this bird's. It could be a pullet nearing the point of lay, but I'm leaning towards cockerel. I'm far from an expert in sexing chickens, so hopefully some other opinions come in.
(Roosters of this breed are generally very mean. It makes me doubt they are a pullet...)
Who told you that? All birds are individuals regardless of breed.

That appears to be a pullet from what I can see... Aside from the nice clear lacing the saddle feathers are all hen...

The behavior you describe could be dominating or maybe even grooming??

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