I need urgent help please.

the nearest vet is another town , I can't afford traveling this far , I can't even afford seeing a vet . :(
She looks very sick, and I feel bad for you. I don't think there is much you can do right now. See the way she is breathing? That's not good, and handling her when she's like this could kill her.
Vets can be expensive, and not all of them treat chickens. I think you're doing all you can do right now. Keep her warm, but not too hot, keep trying to get fluids in her. Her comb and wattles look pretty pale. That's a concern, but I really don't know what more you can do.

Edited to add: by "keep offering her water", I mean every couple of hours or so - not continually handling her.
Thank you all . :( :( I hope she gets better , I feel so bad that I can do anything more than I already have , seeing her like that saddens me more than anything else , she used to be very active , the noises she used to make would wake the neighbors . now she's very quiet , I haven't heard her voice since quite sometime now . :(
I have given a sick parrot Gatoraid with a dropper, but she was awake, and tame. You can tempt her to drink with a dropper and just hold the drop at the end almost dripping if she is not drinking. Do not try to give fluid if not awake and responding. That will make it worse. If you do not have gator aid or even kool-aid, just sugar water, about as sweet as Coke, would work. Put in a pinch of salt, too. We are hoping for the best. Chickens are tough, give her time.
I had success feeding a sick chicken without a tube or syringe. Created a paste with baby bird formula and water. Opened her beak and put some in (just in her beak, NOT her throat) and she naturally swallowed it. Also, have you tried silver? I only recently became aware of this remedy. Also, does she have a favorite treat she might eat like meal wirms, cooked rice, wet cat/dog food, corn, or scrambled eggs? Also, maybe try electrolytes? When my hen was at her worst, I got her to drink a littke by putting drops on her beak.
Keep her company. Keep her warm. Do you have access to an avian vet?

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