I ordered 200 chicks- It's Promiselandfarm & Perfectly_polish's fault

the sweet, tender, succulent meat on these birds, you realized why they are called the "Cadillac" of turkeys. Fast growth, good livability, and great feed conversion are some highlights of these birds.

yum. and turkey, imho are ugly, so no problem processing on this end!!
you know, family is great and all, BUT i think we should have a ct chickenstock holiday gathering. it can be after hanuka/christmas and others so that the stress is kind of gone. OOOOH, how bout we bring in the new year with fresh meat and good company!!
Ok, just finished dinner. Don't believe Meyers. Turkeys are never available this
time of year.

PP bring you fattest Ranger and we'll eat him and one of my fatties.
My garden is blossoming tomatoes, cucumbers and hot peppers so
we have a salad too. I had to buy the Romaine at Costco but it's ok.

I don't think the ducks will be big enough unless you bring one of yours.

I have a little grill and I'll get some Indian(from India) rice steamed up too.

Sure ya all don't want a fried turkey??? I know it's against our religeon to
get a StopnShop one but they are so good....

I could alway pick up some shrimp and other seafood too. Lobsters anyone???
You are so right about that. I would love to have a friends holiday get-together. Let's
plan on that one. I make a hel* of a red seafood sauce.

Just add chicken.
Great idea! You guys are like family now anyways
And we'll be combining the processing party(which should be held on PC's birthday, if he would tell us the day
) with another chickenstock.
" I want me some spicy fried meat. nuff said."
If only we could have that as MNC's title!
We're in for another coop building, just let us know when and where!

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