I picked up my Rooster!!!!!! (Long story)


Mar 24, 2020
New Jersey
I know it sounds cheesy but here's the story. My Rooster is 10-11 months old and is mildly aggressive. I've been working with him so from before he would nonstop jump me never bite and now he eats out of my hand and lets me touch him SOMETIMES still don't bite me. Only aggressive ish more like mean at night roosting because idk. I never wanted to get rid of him because of my first rooster and plus I got attached real quick. He knows I'm the boss and has really improved. Now the picking up part. I've had my dad pick him up because he was being mean and well he bit my dad on the arm caused a bruise. I've never wanted to try picking him up well because I was afraid he'd bite me. I've picked him up once but that was with welding gloves just in case and I had to chase him EVERYWHERE to get him. remind you he HATES gloves and was out of breath when I held him. So today, this morning, I was doing the morning routine and he jumped out of the door (which I'm fine with) and so before everyone else could jump out I shut the door and was trying to get him back in. Usually, if I open the door again hell go in by himself but today was not the day. I gave up on chasing him and then stood there thinking. I gave it a try and backed him up into a corner and slowly picked him up with no hesitation. I was very proud and impressed with myself and my Rooster! He didn't bite but he was confused and scared I could tell because he was shaking thinking I was going to do something. We stood there for a solid minute and I was being cautious keeping my hand away from his beak. I told him he was going to be okay and placed him into the coop. Gave him some treats after that. Now that I know I am able to pick him up, I'm going to be going this regularly and maybe hell improve and actually not be scared as I do so.

Sorry for the long story but you had to know the details before me saying anything else lol
That is good news! It’s hard to find good roosters, and it can be a lot of work to “train” them to be nice! I have a really nice Road Island roo named Albert. I usually don’t handle him at all, but even at that he has never been aggressive toward people or the other hens for the 4 years I’ve had him! He’s such a sweetheart! If you have a good rooster that is good with the hens, then he’s a keeper! Keep up the good work! My friend tamed a roo to the point where she would put him in a bike basket and ride around! The crazy thing Is that the rooster seemed to enjoy it!
That is good news! It’s hard to find good roosters, and it can be a lot of work to “train” them to be nice! I have a really nice Road Island roo named Albert. I usually don’t handle him at all, but even at that he has never been aggressive toward people or the other hens for the 4 years I’ve had him! He’s such a sweetheart! If you have a good rooster that is good with the hens, then he’s a keeper! Keep up the good work! My friend tamed a roo to the point where she would put him in a bike basket and ride around! The crazy thing Is that the rooster seemed to enjoy it!
Lol my rooster is somewhat good with the hens but doesnt cause harm to them. At night they all peck eachother feet.hes only mr. Nice guy to me. If I have people over or any males really but will attack anyone he doesnt care who u are. He keeps them safe and does a tap dance type thing. We didnt want a rooster at first but he got accidentally misgendered and I got attached
Update: he only let's me pick him up in the morning which I'm think is because that's his lazy moment. (I think he likes it but wont tell😌) but I picked him up agian the morning and held him longer and walked a little bit. I'm being cautious by his break as he can quickly bite me at any moment but I dont think he will even try hopefully.
here's another update I felt like sharing: Today he fell asleep in my lap. He likes it because he's all warm. Not really asleep but ya know him trying to keep his eyes open but then close and opened them. lol

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