I put blukote on my rooster- New Funny Pictures

sorry it took so long for pictures

heres a full body picture


Heres his 'good eye'


and his closed eye


I can try to get better pictures if you want
Poor fella. He took a whoopin'! He will heal and his eye will open when the swelling goes down. Hemorrhoid cream will actually stop the bleeding. After the bleeding is controlled, I would attempt to wash the area with mild soap and warm water and apply antibiotic ointment. He will have to be separated until healed or else the others will peck at the injuries.
I had a rooster get attaked by a fox and he didn't act like himslef for a while but he thankfully snapped out of it. Another one of my rooster got attacked by the other roosters and his comb was really bloody also. We had to put him with the hens. I would move yours when he gets better. I would also get a damp paper towel and try to wipe up his comb as best as you can. I hope he feels better soon
I would almost be tempted to put him in the sink and use the sprayer (gently) with pretty warm water (remember chickens body temp is higher than ours) to just rinse some of that dried stuff away. Then use neosporin twice daily until completely closed wounds. At all cost...keep him separated until healed.
I would almost be tempted to put him in the sink and use the sprayer (gently) with pretty warm water (remember chickens body temp is higher than ours) to just rinse some of that dried stuff away. Then use neosporin twice daily until completely closed wounds. At all cost...keep him separated until healed.

X2. I think it looks a lot worse than it is. Definitely was him off as best as u can.I'll I even put mine in the tub and then blow them dry. They act as though it is their spa day lol. He is so handsome!!!!
I would almost be tempted to put him in the sink and use the sprayer (gently) with pretty warm water (remember chickens body temp is higher than ours) to just rinse some of that dried stuff away. Then use neosporin twice daily until completely closed wounds. At all cost...keep him separated until healed.

X2. I think it looks a lot worse than it is. Definitely was him off as best as u can.I'll I even put mine in the tub and then blow them dry. They act as though it is their spa day lol. He is so handsome!!!!

We've bathed him, he HATED IT but that was before the injuries, I put a hen with him and he seems happier now. Thanks for the neosporin tip I will do that. The bleeding has stopped thats dried. I'll wash it off, I used to have a sprayer when we had reptiles but we threw it away
I tried to wash off his comb but I didn't get the blood in the creases of his comb because I was afraid I would hurt him. I'm NOT dubbing it so he better no get an infection. If we have to I'll take him to the vet. I'll have to convince my mom (shouldn't be to hard) to keep him inside until he is healed, onl reason I would have to convince her was last night was his first day outside since the fight. But he won the fight, since we don't have any more roosters. Well im off to wash him so I'll post pictures after I clean him up some more
PS. I just looked closer. It looks as if his nostrils are clogged with dried blood. If they are then getting it off is now mandatory. I would use a warm cloth first and then the sink or bath. Be sure his head is tilted slightly down so water runs down the beak and not up the nostrils.

Edited...we must have been writing at the same time. Sorry
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When a chicken gets injured on its comb, the blood is everywhere even if it isn't a big wound. So, maybe he isn't quite as bad as you think?
I would clean up with warm water.
DO NOT USE PEROXIDE it kills the good tissue on an open wound and isn't necessary.
After cleaning, put some Neosporin on it and leave it along.
Let him rest overnight and then try feeding him some scrambled eggs in the morning.
Get some BluKote and spray it on the comb and after he has had a couple of days to recover and if he seems okay, put him back in at night after the others have gone to roost then watch them closely. Keep the BluKote on until he has healed. It is alos a fungicidal to help gunk from getting in the wound, but the Neosporin should help a lot. I have had worse than that recover without doing anything but what I described.
Good luck.

Also, no need for aspirin. Like someone already said, he is probably more in shock and not pain. Chickens handle it in a different way that we humans do.
I had a silkie roo fight with my orpington too through the fence, he got a whoopin much like this, he was covered in blood, he got a nice bath in the sink, cause he kept on shaking his head and he had blood all over him, once you clean him up it wont be so bad, I kept him separated for almost a week, in the garage in a cage, be aware that when you move him back if there are other younger roos in with them, he will fight with them for dominance. I had to find a new home for his son because I couldnt stand Joe fighting when he wasnt healed yet.

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