I really need some fast advice on this stuff!

I'm starting to hear cheeping! I don't see any holes where it's starting to come out, but at least one of the eggs is loud and proud!
Sounds like they are right on schedule. Just remember it can take up to 2 days for them to completely hatch once you hear them. They should pip (break a hole thru the shell) within 24 hours or less & then begin breaking their way out. You may see the eggs wiggle & wobble before you see the pip.
I'm starting to hear cheeping! I don't see any holes where it's starting to come out, but at least one of the eggs is loud and proud!

Sounds like they are right on schedule. Just remember it can take up to 2 days for them to completely hatch once you hear them. They should pip (break a hole thru the shell) within 24 hours or less & then begin breaking their way out. You may see the eggs wiggle & wobble before you see the pip.

The anticipation, and the suspense, of this day by day play by play is better 'n any book or movie that comes to mind. Thank you, all, for sharing your experiences as you have ~'-)
Oh my gosh!
I came home and the incubator was knocked on the ground and the peices of it were everywhere! Somebody opened my door after I left for school and the cat knocked it over when she heard the chicks hatching. One chick is hatched and it was still a little wet when I found it. It's not making any noise, it's very cold, and I think it may have been just a little burned by the heating rod. The only reason my cat didn't eat it is because the metal grate managed to fall in front of it. I don't know how long the egg and chick were exposed to the cold in my house. Is there any chance the remaining egg will hatch? It's not moving very much, so I can't tell if the chick was injured by the fall yet. Should the chick I do have be alright?
get it under a heat lamp at the right temp ( 95 or so) and give it sometign around it ( sock maybe) and hope for the best :(.

Are any of the other eggs cheeping still?
No, I dont hear any cheeping but I can see where the other chick started to poke through (the membrane on the inside is still there, so I don't think it was the fall). When I shine a light on it, I can see something inside but, like I said before, there is no movement that I'm noticing. I don't know if it's true or not but the shell seems to be cracking just a little bit at a time but I'm not sure because I'm not constantly right here by it. I'm just checking on it every few minutes so I can get my chores done.
I've been just followin' along, as I've never incubated/hatched, ... so very sorry this has happened to ya.

The ones that began pipping? Carefully make a hole in the membrane(s), so that air can get in. Beyond that? You need those w/ experience (hopefully, by posting, it will push you thread into their view).
No, I dont hear any cheeping but I can see where the other chick started to poke through (the membrane on the inside is still there, so I don't think it was the fall). When I shine a light on it, I can see something inside but, like I said before, there is no movement that I'm noticing. I don't know if it's true or not but the shell seems to be cracking just a little bit at a time but I'm not sure because I'm not constantly right here by it. I'm just checking on it every few minutes so I can get my chores done.
can you see if their are veins with blood in them still in the egg that was hatching? If it sat there it will be shrinkwrapped adn need help to get out, might want to read up on that, I ahve done it but not an expert. :(

So sorry your cat was overenthuastic. Do you think you can find a friend for your new baby?

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